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Fried fish


鱼炙───Fried fish


African-Americans were 3.5 times more likely to eat two or more servings of fried fish than the whites.───可能每周食用两次或者两次以上煎炸鱼肉的人,非裔美国人是白种人的3.5倍。

National dishes include fried fish, fish curry and fish soup.───本土菜包括炸鱼 、 鱼肉咖喱和鱼汤.

But the fried fish meuniere is very good.───但是那道软煎鱼不错.

They also have great Fried fish, and I love their salad bar.───他们还有很好吃的油炸鱼,而且我还喜欢他们的沙拉巴。

They snuffed the smell of the fried - fish shops.───他们贪婪地闻着煎鱼铺的香味.

Wedge a knife, coupled with the external daisy fried fish pieces.───外围配以锲菊花刀的油炸鱼肉块.

The fried fish balls made by this hotel taste good.───这家饭店的滑熘鱼丸做的很好吃.

Baking fish allows you to get the satisfying crunch of fried fish without all the fat.───烘焙的鱼可以让你获得咔哧咔哧咀嚼油炸鱼般的满足感,同时又不会强加给你油炸鱼含有的所有脂肪.


She spread some tomato paste on the fried fish.

Place fried fish roulade into fish marinate sauce above and soaked for at least 12 hours chiller.

The fried fish is as good hot as it is cold.

He stuck a piece of fried fish on the fork and put it on the plate.

Fried fish, mashed potato and coffee.
