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post production


后期───later stage;制作───make


At a later stage there arose new problem s which seemed insoluble.───在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题.

Computerization will be discussed in more detail at a later stage.───计算机化将在下文详细讨论.

In the later stage, corrosion rate is slower and corrosion kinetics follows a linear law approximately.───浸泡后期的腐蚀发展稍慢,近似遵循线性规律.

Pucheng field has entered the developing later stage. The stratum forms dirts seriously.───针对濮城油田进入高含水开发后期, 地层结垢严重,致使电泵井检泵周期较短现象.

Cowpeas were seriously damaged by the pest in the new seedling stage and the later stage.───豇豆苗期前期及结荚后期受此虫为害较重,秋植豆受害较春夏植豆重.

He joined the army in the later stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan.───他在抗日战争后期参军.

Data cannot be pushed at a later stage.───数据在后面无法推送。

If you add nodes at a later stage, edit this file.───如果以后再添加新的节点,也请修改这个文件。


Accidents, either at birth or at any later stage in life, can cause mental handicap.

The time-domain analyzing method was suit for later stage of platform design much more for its better treatment with nonlinear problem of deepwater semi-submersible platform motion-response.

Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation.

The frame saw was used at the later stage of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

At a later stage the study will be extended to differences in office skills.
