Select film excerpts will be played on the film festival.───精选电影摘录将在电影节播放.
Many excerpts of Mourinhos quotes are taken from the official Chelsea magazine.───很多对穆里尼奥的引用来自切尔西官方杂志.
Here are the excerpts of some themes.───这里有一些主题音乐节选。
The doctor read excerpts from several medical books.───这名医生阅读好几本医学书籍的摘录.
Excerpts for fans to discuss the exchange of European basketball!───本版供球迷讨论交流欧洲篮球!
Excerpts for fans to share and exchange information NBA!───本版供球迷分享、交流NBA资讯!
Several newspapers published excerpts from the book.───数家报纸刊载了该书的摘录.
Excerpts from the letters illustrate each taxon.───从信里摘出的文句可以说明每个大类的主旨.
The paper published some short excerpts from Mandela's memoirs.
He played some excerpts from Grieg's piano concerto.
The programme included excerpts from Verdi's operas.
Some excerpts from a Renaissance mass are spatchcocked into Gluck's pallid Don Juan music.
He is editing together excerpts of some of his films.