Surname Yu
余姓氏───Surname Yu
his quick-minded and good management, he won the trust from his master with the surname of YU and finally the mater, before he died, presented the bank to HU Xueyan.───他头脑活络,善于经营,很得于姓主人的信赖,竟在临终前将钱肆都赠给了胡雪岩。
Pronounce "Yu, " common as both a first name and a surname, like the English pronoun, and you'll confuse a Mandarin speaker, Ms. Zheng said.───中国姓氏和名字中都非常常见的“Yu”,读得像英语代词(you,意为“你”——编注)一样会让说普通话的人感到困惑,凯特·郑说。