The water would float in drops in the air, The water is in the special gun.───水会以水滴的方式悬浮在空气中.水是放在特殊的枪里的.
These water plants float at the mercy of the waves on the water.───那些水草都随着水波四处地漂荡.
The float is a direct acting float switch.───这个浮球是一个直接作用的浮控开关.
It was decided to float the pound because a fixed value was damaging exports.───决定浮动英镑的汇率,因为固定汇率不利于出口贸易.
A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float.───新鲜鸡蛋会沉下去而不新鲜的会浮在上面。
The dual carburetor has a float bowl that partly surrounds the carburetor air horn.───双浮子气化器有一个浮子室,它局部环绕着化油器的空气室.
This function is externally supplied by the Float 2 IntRounder policy class which encapsulates the specific rounding mode.───该函数在外部由封装了特定舍入方式的Float2IntRounder策略类提供.
We left him there to float off with the tide, and told him to follow the coast.───我们把他放在那里,让他随波漂流,并且告诉他要沿着海岸线走。