A hawk hovers in the sky.───一只老鹰在天空盘旋.
The hawk, named Gal n, was taken to Cullen's headquarters outside New York City.───这只名为嘎兰的鹰已被带回到卡伦的训鹰总部(位于纽约市外).
CONTROLLER: Hawk 20, is this the same aircraft declaring emergency about two hours ago?───空管员: 小鹰郴州市监听20, 你是2小时前紧急呼叫的那架飞机 吗 ?
He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.───他既不是鸽派,也不是''.'鹰派'.'', 而是中间派.
A kite will never be a good hawk.───鸢永不会变成隼.
The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop.───老鹰在半空中盘旋,准备俯冲。
Old World hawk that feeds on bee larvae and small rodents and reptiles.───东半球以蜜蜂幼虫、小的啮齿动物和爬行动物为食的鹰.
The hawk swooped and soared away carrying something.───那只鹰向下猛冲,抓住东西后又展翅高飞了。