Qin girl
琴女───Qin girl
particular can't wait to abandon school, get out of the boondocks and move to the city where, surrounded by high-rises and neon and the intoxicating whir of the Now, a girl can have some fun.───尤其迫不及待想要辍学摆脱农村,她向往城市的高楼大厦和霓虹灯,想要享受“现在”的生活而非未来,这些想法对于一个女孩来说是正常的,她应该开心地过每一天。
Danxue, 19, Jinan: I watched the whole casting-it was just like watching Happy Girl.───秦丹雪(音译),19岁,来自济南:我看了演员选秀的整个过程,感觉就像在看快乐女生。
They never talked about family matters, deep natural Qin would not ask that he only knew the girl called Nguyen oak, the father called Ruansong India, a perennial drifting out of the fish merchants.───他们从不谈及家庭内部的事情,秦深自然也不便多问,他只知道那女孩叫阮栎,父亲叫阮松印,一个常年漂泊在外的渔商。