To strengthen the administrative accountability system, the problem must be held strictly the responsibility of leadership.───要强化行政问责制, 出了问题必须严格追究领导责任.
It also raised uncomfortable questions about power and accountability.───这也产生了一系列令人不安的关于政权与责任的问题.
Still others claim that business schools have done nothing to foster accountability in students.───还有人称,在培养学员的责任意识方面,商学院毫无作为.
A democracy requires accountability and accountability requires transparency.───民主要求可靠,可靠要求透明.
The aim is to ensure a degree of global consistency that clarifies accountability and responsibility.───这么做的目的是,确保在澄清责任和义务方面,全球具有一定程度的一致性.
We've improved accountability and safety in the detention system.───我们改善了问责制,加强了拘留系统的安全.
Foxconn's work ethics: assimilation, accountability and progressiveness.───鸿海的工作精神: 融合 、 责任、进步.
The system of administrative accountability will be activated to investigate and punish the relevant people.───启动行政问责制,调查追究相关人员责任.
This process of centralization further weakens accountability.