3325英语网 英语写法




Awareness of prevention


防范───to guard against;意识───consciousness


We should learn to guard against some illnesses from a young age.───我们应该从小就学会提防一些疾病。

The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation.───武装部队保持高度警惕,以防发生任何报复行为。

Security cameras have been installed to guard against poachers.───已经安装了安防摄像机来防范偷猎者。

The Great Wall, you know, was constructed in ancient times to guard against invasion by nomadic tribes from the north.───你知道,长城是古代为了防御北方的游牧民族入侵而建的。

Bank credit needs to be loosened for private companies and a tough regulatory regime should be designed to guard against a state monopoly.───银行信贷必须对私企放开,同时建设严格的监管机制,以防范政府垄断。

But he cautioned "it is likely to be a weak recovery" and said policymakers needed to guard against economic and financial risks.───但他同时警告称,“这很可能是一种疲弱的复苏”,并表示,决策者需要防范经济及金融风险。


Armed soldiers patrol the airbase to guard against sabotage.

Take care in your speaking to guard against mispronunciation.

To guard against this mishap he devised several different methods of deceleration.

Another video weakness to guard against is the coarse and grainy look of plain surfaces in bright primary colours, especially reds.

Summary: to guard against the risk of bank accounting is a systematic project involving a bank in every aspect.
