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I come from Nenjiang


嫩江───Nenjiang;来自───come from


The present situation of the river course of headworks in southern diversion project of Nenjiang river is analysed.───分析了南部引嫩工程渠首江道的现状,在调研分析论证基础上,提出了相应的整治措。

natural soda water occurs mainly in the pore-fissure confined aquifer of the clastic rock of Nenjiang group, Upper Cretaceous.───天然苏打水主要赋存于上白垩统嫩江组碎屑岩孔隙裂隙承压含水层中。

This paper analyzes the surface water and underground water pollution status quo and pollution ways in Nenjiang valley.───对嫩江流域的地表水、地下水污染现状、污染途径进行了分析。

The results show that the vertical sealing ability of the fault keeps high since the deposition of the Nenjiang Formation.───结果表明,小林克-敖古拉断裂从嫩江组沉积以后垂向封闭性一直很好。

This article studies the stone artifacts in Nenjiang basin before Han dynasty in terms of typology.───本文根据以往的材料总结了嫩江流域汉代以前各时段石制品的特点。

The paper combines the actual conditions of middle reaches of Nenjiang River in the western of Heilongjiang Province.───结合黑龙江省西部嫩江中游的实际情况,建立草原蒸散量的计算模式。


Gudian structure was formed in the late period in the deposition of Nenjiang series in Early Cretaceous, by the dray dueing the uplift of the hanging wall of the Gudian fault.

Zhenlai irrigation area is located at the Songnen plain on the west bank of Nenjiang river in the northwestward of Jilin province.

A sequential selective chemical degradation was performed for the kerogen from the Nenjiang Formation of the southern Songliao Basin by using a series of mild chemical degradations.

The shore-shallow lake and hemi-deep-deep lake develop in the first and second member of Nenjiang formation, and thin bed beach sands distribute fragmentarily.

A pair of Accipiter gentilis were found breeding in the old nest where some Accipiter gentilis had been found in Nenjiang Gaofeng Bird Reserve and Banding Stage in Heilongjiang Province in 2007.
