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Mixed vegetables


杂菜───Mixed vegetables


In English it means mixed vegetables.───用英语解释就是混合的蔬菜.

Grass-fed organic beef (from Trader Joe's), lentils, and mixed vegetables.───食草牛牛肉(来自JOE),小扁豆,什锦蔬菜。

Heat 1 tsp oil in a non - sticky pan, stir fry diced fillet and mixed vegetables.───烧热易洁镬,下1茶匙油, 加入鱼粒炒熟,然后加入杂菜粒炒匀上碟.

Combine the seasonings, cuttlefish paste and mixed vegetables. Stir well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.───把墨鱼胶加入调味料, 放入杂菜粒, 拌匀置冰箱中雪30分钟.

They were now served steak, boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables, and they ate once more.───上桌的有排骨、煮土豆和杂烩青菜。于是两个人又吃起来。

Steamed cod fish with mixed vegetables in galic, sweet chilli and miso sauce.───蒸鳕鱼,搭配传统的三色蔬菜:绿花椰菜, 蘑菇,胡萝卜.

I'll have a mixed vegetables, too.───我也要一份什锦蔬菜.

wide range of fillings, from shrimp to mixed vegetables, but our go-to combination is juicy pork and chive.───的馅料也是多种多样,有虾子馅的也有混合蔬菜馅的,但是我最喜欢的馅料是大葱猪肉馅的,鲜嫩多汁。


Piled bean curd skin and mixed vegetables in turns and baked with Mozzarella cheese.

Heat 1 tsp oil in a non - sticky pan, stir fry diced fillet and mixed vegetables.

Toss the mixed vegetables and tomatoes with the dressing. Serve with the smoked kipper.

Combine the seasonings, cuttlefish paste and mixed vegetables. Stir well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Rest for 10 minutes before slicing. You need to cut the beef into thick slices. Garnish with minced parsley, and serve with Red Wine Sauce and mixed vegetables.
