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wedding feast


醮席───wedding feast


At the wedding feast , the person in charge of reception behaved according to the rules.───喜宴上,知客的表现可谓是中规中矩.

The bridegroom has given a wedding feast with twenty tables.───男方摆了20桌酒席.

Mayhap a funeral among men a wedding feast among the angels.───也许人间的葬礼也同时是天使的婚礼.

After wedding ceremony, the wedding feast began.───婚礼仪式结束, 婚宴起头.

Mayhap a funeral among men is a wedding feast among the angels.───但愿人间的葬礼正是天使的婚礼.

He pressed me to go to his wedding feast.───他催请我去参加他的婚宴.

Thanks for attending our wedding feast.───谢谢你来参加我们的婚宴.

Tzu - hsiao, now it's your turn to treat everyone to a wedding feast. "───子 潇, 该轮到你请吃喜酒了. ”


So they lived happily in his fortress for a month and a day, celebrating their wedding feast.

Witness their behaviour at the Lapithae wedding feast when the centaur Eurythion tried to rape the bride.

Mayhap a funeral among men a wedding feast among the angels.

Describe the huge wedding feast in great detail.

After a pair of new personality do wedding feast , late aspirant bridal chamber rests.
