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goods shelves


货架───goods shelves


On the goods shelves of one horn, diaper and beer are awesomely together sell.───一角的货架上, 尿布和啤酒赫然地摆放在一起出售.

Development has been a certain extent, Foshan tourism products is essential goods shelves.───开发已具一定程度, 是佛山旅游产品货架上必备的货品.

Spider man wandering all day on the Internet is a big part of the work in LieJi, find some he had not seen in his own what goods shelves.───蜘蛛人整天游荡在互联网上有很大一部分工作就是在猎奇,找一些他以前没见过的东西摆在自己的货架上。

Nowadays, an abundant and varied supply of goods makes shopping enjoyable. The exhibits on the goods shelves are a feast for the eyes.───目前,琳琅满目的商品让购物成为乐事,货架上的展示物令人大饱眼福;

In be like big supermarket, need collects fees sales promotion placard, goods shelves puts the position.───就似乎大的超市中,促销海报、货架摆放位置都是需要收费的。


Only beautiful and marked new design makes the photograph of other competition product on Remy Martin XOE and goods shelves is compared, immediateness appears extraordinary.

In capacious and trim convenience shop, goods shelves of a platoon is being arranged trimly , awaiting the commodity of those full of beautiful things in eyes.

The boss mounted goods shelves to take bag earthnut to give second again, ask what third wants finally, third: "I want two bags of earthnut..."

They are taking a black each hold facility, sweep the bar code that orders first, next what the basis holds facility is how-to to goods shelves engaging the load.
