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Bohai Sea


渤───Bohai Sea


Young people often shipping with shipping from the Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei Bohai Sea routes between.───青少年时,常随家船航运往返于辽宁 、 山东 、 河北间之渤海航线上.

It runs through nine provinces and flows to Bohai Sea in Shangdong Province.───它流经九个省,流入山东的渤海。

Lily : Yes , the Bohai Sea waters have very serious sea - ice disaster.───是 啊, 渤海海域有很严重的海冰灾害.

It runs from Gansu to Bohai Sea.───长城从甘肃一直绵延到渤海.

The sound of the Bohai sea tides brings the message that spring has arrived.───渤海的潮声带来了春讯.

Surnamed Qin, the name the more people, Qi Lu Bohai Sea ( today's Jinan Changqing ) people.───姓秦, 名越人, 齐国渤海卢 ( 今济南市长清县 ) 人.

The Yellow River flows into the Bohai Sea.───黄河流入渤海.

In Circum - Bohai - Sea region, administrative agreements are the new instruments to promote cooperation and settle disputations.───环渤海地区, 行政协议已成为实现合作和解决争端最为重要的区域法治协调机制之一.


By the end of last year, Beijing organized 61 sea-burial activities with the cremains of 5441 deceased put into the Bohai Sea.

The Jinyintan bathing place northing link Bohai Sea road 2 kilometers, the good communications, are the summer spend the summer the good destination which the leisure takes vacation.

Seventies, to develop extensive Bohai Sea base construction established a transport company.

The Yellow River flows into the Bohai Sea.

Sargassum Division Phaeophyta Sargassum plants abound in China's Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea coastal parts of Guangdong, is also very rich in resources, in coastal areas.
