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About transgenic




With the development of genetic engineering, more and more people pay attention to transgene silencing.───随着转基因技术在各个领域的深入发展, 转基因沉默已引起越来越多的人关注.

At present cultivates the first batch breast albuminate iron albuminate transgene cow entered the lactation period.───目前培育的首批人乳铁蛋白转基因奶牛已进入泌乳期.

Whole mount in situ hybridization and transgene via microinjection are two important methods in zebrafish study.───整胚原位杂交和显微注射转基因技术是斑马鱼基因功能研究中两种重要的研究方法.

PCR test did not confirm the presence of GUS transgene in the progeny of plants with GUS positive inflorescences.───不过花序表现为GUS阳性的植株后代,经P CR检测后并没有证实GUS基因存在。

method of producing an herbicide resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers herbicide resistance.───产生抗除草剂玉米植株的方法,即用可导致除草剂抗性的转基因转移权利要求2的玉米植株。

Human HT transgene can inhibit HAR to some degree.───人ht基因可以一定程度抑制HAR。

In the course of commercialization plant gene engineering , transgene silencing is one of the obstacles.───转基因植物中转基因沉默已成为植物基因工程的一大障碍.


The efficacy of transgene CTL on tumor in situ(armpit of right forelimb) and ex situ(armpit of left forelimb) were observed. Mice injected with normal saline were taken as the control group.

To shield the transgene from the affection of chromosomal position effect and improve its expression efficiency, another cHS4 insulator was inserted into the upstream of transgene cassette.

The transgene staining is co-localized with the cell bodies of the facial nerve.

Conclusion AAV-mediated striatal transgene expression of TH, AADC and GCH is more effective for gene therapy on Parkinsonian rat.

In sheep, transgene fragments were more common in intestinal digesta than in ruminal or abomasal content.
