3325英语网 英语写法




Food and shelter


食宿───Board and lodging;相兼───Compatible


The students pay $ 200 for their board and lodging a month.───学生每月支付二百美元膳宿费.

She found board and lodging in the house of her pupils'parents.───她在她学生的家长家里搭伙寄宿.

Q: How is your condition of board and lodging?───问: 你们食宿条件如何?

How kind of Bill to get our board and lodging ready.───约翰真好,给我们安排好了食宿.

I pay 30 pounds a week for board and lodging ( or : bed and board ).───我每周的食宿开销是30英镑.

He pays $90 a week board and lodging.───他每周的食宿花费为90美元。

The Department for Education's guidance says schools can charge only for board and lodging if the trip is part of the syllabus, and that students receiving government aid are exempt from these costs.───教育部的领导说,如果旅行是教学大纲的一部分,学校只可以收取食宿费用,而且接受政府资助的学生不需要支付这些费用。

Not unless you give me back twenty dollars and two years'board and lodging. "───还我二十块钱,两年间的伙食、房钱. ”


Cost for a course including full board and lodging is £175.

Her salary was £85 perannum with board and lodging, rising to £95 after one year.

How kind of Bill to get our board and lodging ready.

The landlord provides board and lodging .

It's £90 a week for board and lodging .
