3325英语网 英语写法




Please speak softly


轻声───Soft voice;请───please


He sing the song with soft voice, rapping on the table with his fingers.───他用轻柔的嗓音唱着歌, 手指轻轻地敲打着桌子.

She had the slow, soft voice of a countrywoman.───她有着一名农妇般的柔缓声音。

Her soft voice and gracious smile put everyone in the room at ease.───她温柔的声音和慈祥的笑容使屋子里的每个人都感到轻松自在.

I'v been cruel to the young man, he said in a soft voice.───“我一直对这年轻人太残酷了, ”他低声地说.

What can I do to overcome my soft voice, project my and speak up?───我能做些什么,来改掉这种温和的嗓音,放开声音, 大声说出自己的想法 呢 ?

" They are not here,'said Melanie, a chill in her soft voice.───" 他们不在, "媚兰说, 声音不大,却极为冷淡.

I was charmed by her slim figure and soft voice.───我被她苗条的体形和温柔的声音吸引住了.

At last, when she came to the youngest, a soft voice cried,"Dear mother, I am in the clock-case."───最后,当它叫到最小的山羊的名字时,一个小小的声音喊叫道:“亲爱的妈妈,我在钟盒里。”


Ms. Morrell is a small woman with a soft voice and an easy smile.

Mrs Sano has a quiet, moonlike beauty and a soft voice that makes you want to listen.

She had the slow, soft voice of a countrywoman.

With her soft voice and her calm exterior, she absolutely would not let creditors off the hook.

A tall, skinny man, with a soft voice that sometimes strikes the court as coming from behind his left ear.
