Who is hiding behind the mountain
The mountaineers did not begin to come down the mountain till they had reached the top.───登山者们登上顶峰后才开始下来.
They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail.───他们沿着崎岖的山路攀登.
The outline of the mountain in the distance is dim.───远处山脉的轮廓隐隐约约.
They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.───他们爬山,最终达到了山顶.
The mountain air is tonic.───山上的空气能使人精神振奋
The mountain rises 6000 feet above sea level.───那山海拔6000英尺.
Clouds involved the mountain top.───云雾笼罩山头.
We rode the mountain trails.───我们骑着马走在山里的小路上。
If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.
Waves mountain - high broke over the reef.
They hollowed out a tunnel through the mountain.
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The mountain peak loomed through the fog.