Where do you work
Where did you dig up the fresh evidence?───你从哪儿弄到那些新证据的?
Where there is oppression there is resistance.───哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗.
As a rule , where the broom does not reach the dust will not vanish of itself.───扫帚不到,灰尘照例不会自己跑掉.
Where does this line tie in with the main circuit?───这条线在哪里跟主线路连接在一起 呢 ?
Where did you fish that idea up?───你怎么想到这个主意的?
Where have you been? I've been waiting around here for two hours.───你上哪儿去了? 我在这儿等了你两个小时.
Where there's reek, there's heat.───哪里有恶臭, 哪里必发热.
Where do you keep your money?───你把你的钱藏在什么地方?