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小学生作文习作·日记三则 My Diary


小学生作文习作·日记三则 My Diary

小学生作文习作·日记三则 My Diary

1月14日 日记

Today I got up at 6:30. I felt so excited that I can't sleep soundly last night. I would have my math test this morning. It was the last test of this term. I thought I can do well.

I went to school early. There were many classmates in our classroom when I got to school. I wanted to talk with somebody, but I found they were all going over their math lesson seriously. So I had to take out my math book and started to review. Then the bell rang loudly. The teacher gave us the test papers. I wrote my name first. Then I looked over the test paper quickly. After that, I began to do it. It only took me forty-five minutes to finish the test paper. I thought it was easy for me. I checked it carefully again and again until the test was over. I was sure there wasn't any mistake. Then I gave the test paper to my teacher with a smile.

After this test, I could enjoy my summer holiday!




1.I felt so excited that I can't sleep soundly last night. 昨天晚上我很兴奋,睡也睡不好。

So…that… 如此…以致…

sleep soundly 熟睡

2.I would have my math test this morning. 今天早上我们要考数学。(本句使用了过去将来时,即would(will的过去式)+动词原形结构)。

3.I wanted to talk with somebody, but I found they were all going over their math lesson seriously. 我想和谁聊一下天,但却发现同学们都在认真地复习着数学。

talk with sb. 与某人交谈

go over复习

4.It only took me forty-five minutes to finish the test paper. 我只用了45分钟就完成了考卷。

It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事。

5.I checked it carefully again and again until the test was over. 我还是一遍又一遍地仔细检查直到考试结束。


2月14日 日记

It was the first day of the Chinese New Year. My family went to Hong Kong. We went to visit the Ocean Park after we ate breakfast. We went there by taxi first. Then we went to the top of the mountain by cable car. We could see many islands and plants under us. They were so wonderful. At first we came to the fish aquarium and saw many beautiful and strange fishes there. Also there were a lot of dangerous sharks in the shark aquarium. After that, I went to play the Pirate Ship and Roller Coaster. It was so exciting and I enjoyed them very much.

In the evening, we went to another beautiful place in Hong Kong—the Peak. We can see a lot of nice places in Hong Kong and Kowloon from the Peak. There were many tall buildings by the sea. The lights were on at night. The view is wonderful and we had a good time there.

What a happy and nice day!


作者以日记的形式,记录了自己在香港一日的游程。第一段,作者用简洁流畅的语言描写了香港海洋公园的几个印象最深刻的景点以及自己游玩的几个最刺激的娱乐项目,富有童趣。第二段写到了香港的美丽夜景,读来让人流连忘返。值得一提的是,作者在文章中用不同的方式表达同一个意思,如:I enjoyed it very much. 和We had a good time there. 避免了文字上的重复,表现了作者良好的英语功底。英语作文的提高还是在于平时的多读多看,多积累一些好的用法,才能在写作时得心应手。


1.We went to visit the Ocean Park after we ate breakfast. 吃过早饭以后,我们去海洋公园游玩。

After that, I went to play the Pirate Ship and Roller Coaster. 那以后,我去玩了海盗船和云霄飞车。


2.Then we went to the top of the mountain by cable car. 我们坐缆车到达山顶。

3.the fish aquarium水族馆

4.the view is wonderful景色很美

3月14日 日记

It is the twelfth of March, and today is the Arbor Day. In the morning, many leaders of our community came to our school. They presented some flowers to our school. All students and teachers were happy. I thought our school would be more beautiful.

In the afternoon, I had a PE lesson. I ran 50 meters and played football. I liked playing football. It was interesting.

I went home at half past four in the afternoon. I had dinner at six o'clock. I ate a hamburger and drank a glass of juice. I finished my homework at twenty past eight.

I was happy today!




1.the Arbor Day 植树节

2.leaders of our community 社区领导

3.They presented some flowers to our school. 他们送花给学校。

4.I thought our school would be more beautiful. 我想我们的学校会变得更漂亮。

上一篇:小学生作文习作·我最爱的季节 My Favourite Season _____
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