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小学生作文习作·我最爱的季节 My Favourite Season _____


小学生作文习作·我最爱的季节 My Favourite Season _____

小学生作文习作·我最爱的季节 My Favourite Season _____

夏天 My Favourite Season, Summer

Summer is my favourite season. The sea is blue. The clouds are white in the sky. It's full of happiness. It is very hot in summer. The sun shines and I can eat ice-cream. I can go to the beach with my parents and swim a lot in the sea. We can make a sandcastle and pick up shells. I can wear my beautiful dress.

What a happy season!




1.It's full of happiness. 夏天充满了欢乐。

2.swim a lot in the sea 在大海中畅游

3.more 更多的

4.make a sandcastle and pick up shells 堆沙堡、拾贝壳

夏天 My Favourite Season, Summer

My favourite season is summer. The sun shines every day. Although It's hot, It's our golden time to play.

When It's summer, I think about the blue sea and the yellow beach. During the summer vacation, I can wear my nice dress and go to the beach to pick up shells with my parents. I can eat ice-cream, you know. It is one of my favourite foods in summer. I love summer. What a nice season!





1.Although It's hot, It's our golden time to play. 虽然天气炎热,但这是我们玩乐的黄金时刻。

2.I think about the blue sea and the yellow beach. 我想到蔚蓝的大海和金黄的沙滩。

3.During the summer vacation… 在暑假期间……

4.pick up shells 捡贝壳

5.It is one of my favourite foods. 这是我最喜欢的食物之一。

6.What a nice season! 多么美好的季节啊!

冬天 My Favourite Season, Winter

Everyone has his own favourite season and my favourite season is winter, because the most important festival in China—the Spring Festival is in winter. I can have a wonderful dinner on the New Year's Eve with my relatives. I can set up fireworks with my cousins. I can get pocket money from my parents and grandparents.

In addition, my birthday is in winter, too. I can have my birthday party and have a good time with my best friends. I can get up late, watch TV, play computer games and chat with my friends on the phone because we have a two-week winter holiday.

Winter is my favourite season and I always enjoy myself very much in winter.




1.Everyone has his own favourite season and my favourite season is winter. 每个人都有他最喜欢的季节,我喜欢的季节是冬季。

2.have a wonderful dinner on the New Year's Eve with my relatives 和我的亲戚一起享受一顿很棒的年夜饭

3.in addition 另外

4.chat with my friends on the phone 和我的朋友在电话里聊天

春天 My Favorite Season, Spring

The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. I like spring best because it is a wonderful season.

So many flowers are blooming. Some are yellow, some are red and some are purple. They're colorful and very beautiful, aren't they? The leaves are green and small. The frozen rivers start to melt and flow, and people take off their heavy coats, put on their beautiful clothes and start to play balls. Everyone is full of vigor and everywhere is full of green. How nice it is!

Another reason that I like spring best is because my birthday is in spring. It is on March 29th . I have my birthday party on that day and I can receive many greetings and birthday presents from my parents and friends. What a lucky boy I am on that day!

There are so many nice things in spring. What a wonderful season it is! I like spring!


本文以读语“The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. ”为开头,画龙点睛,紧扣主题,恰到好处,显示出小作者平时注重语言积累,并能灵活运用,让我们耳目一新。在第二段中小作者以自己独有的视野,描绘出了美丽的春天。从色彩缤纷的花儿、嫩绿的树叶、流淌的河水到换上春装的人们,由物到人,全面又生动地描绘出一幅春意盎然、万物复苏的春日景象。第三段小作者联系自己,突出喜欢春天的另一个原因,由此发出感叹“What a lucky boy I am on that day!”总结全文并点题。全文娓娓道来,温馨可人,是一篇值得一读的小短文。


1.The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. 一年之计在于春。

2.So many flowers are blooming. 很多花朵都竞相开放。So在此处加重语气,突出花儿都盛开的景象

bloom 开花

3.They're colorful and very beautiful, aren't they? 它们色彩丰富十分美丽。这是一句反义疑问句。

4.…and people take off their heavy coats, put on their beautiful clothes and start to play balls. 人们脱下了厚厚的外套,穿上了漂亮的衣服,投入到运动中去(本句用了几个连贯的动作,形象生动)。

5.Everyone is full of vigor, everywhere is full of green. How nice it is! 一切都充满了活力,到处都是春意盎然。这一切都是多么美好啊!(在这一句中,小作者一口气用了everywhere,everyone精练概括,描写到位,值得一学)。

春天 My Favourite Season, Spring

My Favourite season is spring. It is beautiful. Everything grows and wakes up in spring. When I wake up in the early morning, I hear birds singing. I know spring comes. When I walk in the garden, plants and flowers smile at me. I know spring comes. Look at those colorful flowers and soft green grass. They all dance in the wind. How lovely they are! Spring is a colorful and peaceful season that makes people feel comfortable.

In the mild weather of spring, I can go to the park and have a picnic with my friends. We can fly kites and go roller-skating. We enjoy ourselves in a lot of outdoor activities. Spring is a cheerful season that makes people happy. What a nice season! I love it.




1.When I wake up in the early morning, I hear birds singing. 当我在清晨醒来,我听到鸟儿的鸣叫。

2.When I walk in the garden, plants and flowers smile at me. 当我在花园中漫步,花草树木都朝我微笑。

3.Spring is a colourful and peaceful season that makes people feel comfortable. 春天是一个多彩宁静、让人感觉舒适的季节。

4.We enjoy ourselves in a lot of outdoor activities. 我们在各种户外活动中尽享乐趣。

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