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小学英语作文:How to Learn English Well怎样学好英语

Two years ago, I startedto learn English.At first, I think it is difficult, but my teacher taught me somegood ways.First, remember new words as much as possible.When you seesomething, you can use English words to name it.Using the pronunciation to remembernew words is a good way.Second, read the words or sentence loudly.It will strengthenyour memory, so that you can remember words or sentence quickly.Third, listento the tape.Listening is the basic of English learning, so it's important.Theseare some good ways to learn English.I hope they can be useful to you.


小学英语作文:How to Learn English怎样学英语

English is a global language. It is useful for us to learn it well.But how?First, learn new words.Words are important to English learning.Second, practice listening and speaking.You can speak English with others. It will help you to improve.Last, you can watch English movies or listen to English songs.It is funny and helpful.Anyway, you should work very hard.


小学英语作文:How to Make Real Friends?怎样交真正的朋友?

Everyone needs friends, so how to make real friends is very important to anyone.


To make real friends, you can follow these steps:


1. Be kind and approachable to others. Smile often and show interest in what they have to say.

1. 善待他人,平易近人。经常微笑,对他们要说的话表现出兴趣。

2. Be yourself and don't try to be someone you're not. Real friends appreciate you for who you are.

2. 做你自己,不要试图成为别人。真正的朋友会欣赏真正的你。

3. Participate in activities you enjoy and where you can meet new people.


4. Listen attentively to others when they speak. Show empathy by understanding their feelings.

4. 当别人说话时,认真倾听。通过理解他们的感受来表达同情。

5. Offer to help others when they need it.

5. 当别人需要帮助时,主动提供帮助。

6. Don't judge others based on their appearance or background. Treat everyone with kindness and respect.

6. 不要根据别人的外表或背景来判断别人。善待和尊重每个人。

小学英语作文:How to Study Well?怎样把学习搞好?

Some students are poor at some subjects. How to learn them well?I think, first of all, you should know why you study them.They are all important and useful.If you are interested in them, I'm sure you'll do well in them.While you study, you should put your hearts into the books, or you'll get nothing from them.If you have made a mistake, correct it carefully, and read the text again.If you have any questions, ask your teachers, parents or classmates. They will be glad to help you.


小学英语作文:How to Treat Friends?如何对待朋友?

As everyone knows, to be true to ourselves, we must be true to others.Friends are those who can help us when we are in trouble.But it is not an easy thing to make friends with others.


Friends are an important part of everyone's life, and it's important to treat them with love and kindness. Here are some ways to do so:


1. Be kind and respectful: Show your friends you care about them by being polite and considerate. Respect their opinions and feelings.

1. 善待和尊重:通过礼貌和体贴来表达你对朋友的关心。尊重他们的意见和感受。

2. Listen to them: When your friends talk to you, take the time to listen carefully and show that you are interested in what they have to say.

2. 倾听他们:当你的朋友和你说话时,花点时间仔细倾听,并表现出你对他们所说的话感兴趣。

3. Be there for them: Support your friends through good times and bad. Offer a listening ear or a helping hand when needed.


4. Keep your promises: If you make plans with your friends, make sure to follow through on them. This shows that you value their time and friendship.

4. 遵守承诺:如果你和朋友制定了计划,一定要坚持到底。这表明你重视他们的时间和友谊。

5. Be honest: Honesty is important in any relationship. If you make a mistake, own up to it and apologize.

5. 诚实:诚实在任何关系中都很重要。如果你犯了错误,要承认并道歉。

6. Have fun together: Friendship should be enjoyable and fun. Spend quality time with your friends doing things you all enjoy.

6. 一起玩得开心:友谊应该是愉快和有趣的。和你的朋友共度美好时光,做你们都喜欢的事情。

Remember, treating your friends well will not only strengthen your relationships but also bring joy and happiness into your life.

