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1. 武汉黄鹤楼:黄鹤楼是中国著名的古建筑,坐落于武汉市长江南岸的武昌蛇山之巅,是江南三大名楼之一,享有"天下江山第一楼"的美誉。

2. 宜昌三峡:位于长江上游的宜昌市境内,是世界上最壮观的峡谷之一,包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡。

3. 鄂州古隆中:古隆中位于鄂州市,是中国古代典籍《左传》和《国语》所记载的楚国都城,也是楚国的政治、军事和文化中心。

4. 恩施大峡谷:位于恩施土家族苗族自治州,是中国最美的峡谷之一,以险峻的地貌、清澈的河流和原始的自然景观而闻名。

5. 武当山:位于湖北省丹江口市境内,是中国道教名山之一,被誉为"天下第一福地",同时也是世界文化与自然遗产地。

6. 荆州古城:位于荆州市,是一座具有悠久历史的古城,拥有丰富的历史文化遗产,如荆州古城墙、沙湖景区等。

7. 老河口南水北调纪念园:位于老河口市,是为纪念南水北调工程而建立的纪念园,展示了南水北调工程的建设历程和成果。



Hubei is one is full of the province with natural landscape and historical vestigial culture, it is the famous tourist attraction of a few Hubei below:

1.Building of Wuhan yellow crane: Yellow crane building is China's well-known ancient building, the peak of the hill of fierce prosperous snake that is located at bank of Wuhan mayor Changjiang Delta, it is Changjiang Delta one of 3 names buildings, enjoy state power of " the world the beauty of " of first floor praise.

2.Yichang 3 gorge: Be located in the Yichang city churchyard of upper reaches of the Yangtse River, it is one of the grandest gorge on the world, include Qu Tang gorge, Wu Xia and Xi Ling gorge.

3.In ancient grand of city of another name for Hubei province: Gu Longzhong is located in city of state of another name for Hubei province, it is ancient codes and records of Chinese ancient time " Zun Chuan " and " mandarin " the Hunan capital city of place account, also be the politics of Hunan country, military affairs and culture center.

4.Favour apply big gorge: Be located in favour apply autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Tujia nationality, it is one of China's most beautiful gorge, famed with arduous landforms, clear river and primitive natural landscape.

5.Fierce becomes hill: Be located in Hubei to save churchyard of red estuarine city, it is one of hill of Chinese Taoism name, be known as " the world " of ground of the first blessing, also be world culture and producing area of natural involuntary discharge of urine at the same time.

6.Ancient city of chaste tree state: Be located in city of chaste tree state, it is a Gu Cheng that has long history, have rich historical culture legacy, area of scene of if Jing Zhou is ancient city wall, sanded lake.

7.Attune of north of the water austral old bayou commemorates garden: Be located in old bayou city, it is the commemorative garden that move a project for north of the water austral souvenir and establishs, revealed south the construction course of project of water north attune and achievement.

These tourist attractions have distinguishing feature each, can let you appreciate the natural scene that abounds to Hubei and long historical culture.
