1. 练习丹田呼吸:通过深呼吸将注意力集中在丹田区域,有助于平衡身心,增强财运。
2. 进行丹田按摩:每天按摩丹田区域,可以促进血液循环,激活能量,有助于提升财运。
3. 练习丹田功:一些太极、气功练习注重丹田的运用,可以帮助调节身体能量,提升财运。
The pubic region is the energy center inside human body, allegedly conserve the pubic region can enhance money fortune. A few methods include:
1.Exercise the pubic region breathes: Focus attention in area of the pubic region through deep breathing, conduce to balance body and mind, enhance money fortune.
2.Undertake the pubic region massages: Massage area of the pubic region everyday, can promote haemal circulation, activation energy, conduce to promotion money carry.
3.Practice result of the pubic region: A few too extremely, qigong practices those who pay attention to the pubic region applying, can energy of help adjustment body, promote money use.
As a whole, through retaining the health of the pubic region and vigor, can enhance money fortune.