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1. 语言表达:写作时应注意用词准确、表达清晰。避免使用难度较高的生僻词汇或者长难句,以免引起阅卷老师的困惑。

2. 文章结构:写作时应注意文章结构的合理性,包括开头、主体和结尾的组织方式,以及段落之间的衔接和过渡。

3. 内容思路:写作时应注意内容的连贯性和思路的严密性。文章应具有一定的逻辑性,每段的内容要与主题紧密相关,并通过恰当的过渡自然地衔接起来。

4. 语法规范:写作时应注意语法的正确性。避免出现常见的语法错误,如主谓不一致、时态错误等。

5. 时间管理:在考试时,应掌握好时间管理。合理安排时间,留出足够的时间进行修改和润色,以确保文章的质量和完整性。


1. 熟悉写作要求。高考英语写作通常包括作文类型、字数要求、时间限制等要求,考生应该事先了解并熟悉这些要求,以便在考试时更好地应对。

2. 认真审题。在考试写作时,认真审题非常重要。考生应该仔细阅读题目,并理解题目中的要求和提示,以便写出准确、有针对性的作文。

3. 合理组织文章结构。一篇好的作文应该有清晰的结构,包括引言、主体和结论。考生应该根据题目要求和自己的思路合理组织文章结构,让文章有逻辑性和连贯性。

4. 使用恰当的词汇和语法。在写作中使用恰当的词汇和语法非常重要。考生应该尽量使用自己熟悉的词汇和语法结构,并注意避免常见的语法错误和拼写错误。

5. 注意语气和态度。在写作中,考生应该注意自己的语气和态度,尽量表达积极、正面的情感。同时,也要注意避免使用过于极端或者偏激的语言。

6. 注意规范。考生应该注意文章规范,包括书写工整、标点符号正确、段落分明等方面。这些细节虽然看似微不足道,但却能够给阅卷老师留下良好的印象。

7. 多练习。最后,考生应该多练习写作,不断提高自己的写作技巧和水平。可以通过做题、模拟考试等方式进行练习,以便更好地应对高考英语写作。


1. 引言句

- In recent years, the issue of...has become a topic of great concern for many people.

- It is widely believed that...

- Nowadays, with the rapid development of..., more and more people have come to realize that...

- As far as I am concerned, I think...

2. 议论句

- Some people argue that..., while others believe that...

- From my point of view, I tend to agree with the former/latter opinion.

- On the one hand, it is true that..., but on the other hand, we should also consider...

- It is not easy to find a perfect solution to this problem, but we can start by...

3. 表示原因的句子

- The reason why...is that...

- There are several factors that contribute to...

- One of the main/primary reasons behind...is that...

- It is understandable that...since...

4. 表示影响的句子

- The impact/effect of...on...is significant.

- ...has a profound influence on...

- ...has brought about a series of changes in...

- It is clear that...has both positive and negative effects on...

5. 表示解决问题的句子

- It is imperative that we take effective measures to...

- To solve this problem, we can start by...

- We should not only..., but also...

- It is high time that we did something to...

6. 结论句

- In conclusion, we can see that...

- To sum up, it is clear that...

- All in all, it is important that we...

- Based on the above analysis, we can draw the conclusion that...

