1. **鱼**: 因为“年年有余”和“年年有鱼”谐音,送鱼象征着年年有余。
2. **桔子**: 因为“桔”和“吉”谐音,送桔子象征着吉祥如意。
3. **糖果**: 甜甜蜜蜜,象征着甜蜜幸福。
4. **花卉**: 如兰花、梅花等,寓意着吉祥如意、幸福美满。
Send a few indicative and lucky products to be able to allow year of gas more flourishing. For instance:
1.** fish ** : Because " annual and superabundant " and " have a fish year after year " homophonic, send a fish symbolic move annual and superabundant.
2.** orange ** : Because " orange " and " auspicious " homophonic, send an orange indicative good fortune as one wishes.
3.** candied ** : Sweet, indicative sweetness is happy.
4.** flowers ** : Wait like orchid, wintersweet, the implied meaning is worn good fortune as one wishes, happiness is perfect.
Hope these suggest to be helped somewhat to you!