1. **兔子吉祥物或图案**:佩戴带有兔子图案或雕刻的饰品,如项链、手链、戒指等,以增加对兔年的吉祥之力。
2. **翡翠饰品**:翡翠在中国文化中被认为是吉祥、幸运的象征,可以选择带有兔子或兔年特征的翡翠饰品来增加运势。
3. **红色配饰**:红色是中国文化中的吉祥色,可以选择红色的配饰,如红色项链、手链、手绳等,以增加好运气。
4. **金饰品**:金色象征着财富和好运,可以选择金色饰品或带有金元素的饰品,如金戒指、金手链等。
In Chinese culture, the person that belongs to a pig is in hare year can adorn a few accord with hare year of the feature adorn taste or article, in order to increase use of movement power become reconciled. A few common choices include:
1.** bunny mascot or design ** : Adorn contain bunny design or carven to act the role of article, wait like catenary of necklace, hand, ring, in order to raise pair of rabbit year lucky force.
2.** halcyon acts the role of taste ** : Halcyon is considered as in Chinese culture lucky, lucky indicative, can choose to contain bunny or hare year diagnostic halcyon is acted the role of article will increase movement power.
3.** red deserves to act the role of ** : Red is the lucky color in Chinese culture, can choose to deserve gulesly to act the role of, wait like rope of catenary of gules necklace, hand, hand, in order to increase good luck.
4.** gold acts the role of taste ** : Aureate and indicative fortune become reconciled carries, can choose aureate act the role of what taste or contain gold dollar element article, catenary of hand of the ring that be like gold, gold.
No matter choose why to be planted,act the role of article, important is the lucky meaning that believes they represent, receive hare with active state of mind year arrival.