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初中英语看图作文:The Cat and the Fish 猫和鱼


初中英语看图作文:The Cat and the Fish 猫和鱼

初中英语看图作文:The Cat and the Fish 猫和鱼

The Cat and the Fish


Early in the morning, Mrs Zhang came back from the market with a big fish in one hand and a basket of vegetables in the other. She felt very happy because she could have a nice dinner both for the cat and herself. At that time Mrs Zhang's cat was looking at her from the window.

Mrs Zhang went into the kitchen, put the fish in a basin and began to wash the vegetables. While she was making preparations for the dinner the cat couldn't wait. It stepped into the kitchen and took the fish away. Mrs Zhang found the cat under the bed, eating the fish.

Dinner was ready but on the dinner table there was no fish. Mrs Zhang said to the cat, “There is no fish here.”


1)with a big fish in one hand 一手拿着一条鱼

2)in the other 另一只手

3)look at her from the window 从窗口看着她

4)make preparations for 为……作准备

The Cat and the Fish 猫和鱼

Once upon a time, there lived a mischievous cat by the riverside. Every day, the cat would sit by the edge of the water, watching the fish swim gracefully in the river.


The cat longed to catch one of those fish and have a delicious meal. However, being a cat, it couldn't swim like the fish.


One day, the cat came up with a cunning plan. It thought of pretending to befriend the fish and gain their trust.


So, the cat started complimenting the fish on their beautiful scales and graceful movements. Day by day, it would engage them in friendly conversations.


The fish, being naive, soon began to trust the cat and would swim closer to the shore to chat with it.


One day, the cat invited the fish to come closer, promising to show them a special trick. Excitedly, the fish swam towards the cat, unaware of its hidden intentions.


As soon as the fish were within reach, the cat made a swift move and tried to catch them with its claws.


But the clever fish sensed danger and darted away just in time, escaping the clutches of the cat.


From that day on, the fish became more cautious and never trusted the cat again. And the cat, realizing that its trickery had failed, gave up on trying to catch the fish and went back to its usual mischief by the riverside.


The moral of the story is that one should always be cautious of those who pretend to befriend us for their own selfish motives.


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