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1. **流行商品**:根据当地人的需求和时下流行趋势,选择畅销的商品摆放在店铺中。这样能吸引更多的顾客,增加销售额。

2. **商品陈列**:合理的商品陈列可以吸引顾客的注意力,增加购买欲望。可以采用适当的陈列技巧,比如把畅销品放在显眼位置,或者通过搭配组合提升产品的吸引力。

3. **品质服务**:提供优质的服务可以增加顾客的忠诚度,口碑传播也能吸引更多的顾客。友好的态度、专业的建议以及高效的服务都是吸引顾客的关键。

4. **节日促销**:利用节假日等特殊时机进行促销活动,吸引更多的顾客前来购买,增加销售额。

5. **店铺装饰**:店铺的装饰可以给顾客留下好的印象,增加购买欲望。可以根据店铺的风格和产品特点进行装饰,创造出独特的氛围。



Small shop wants flourishing money, can consider the following aspects:

1.** sheds travel commodity ** : According to the demand of local and nowadays popularity trend, the goods with popular option is put in shop. Can attract more customers so, increase sale.

2.** commodity displays ** : Reasonable commodity displays the attention that can draw a customer, increase desire to buy to look. Can use display skill appropriately, put best selling goods in conspicuous position for instance, perhaps promote the appeal of the product through tie-in combination.

3.** character serves ** : The faithfulness that offers excellent service to be able to add a client is spent, public praise transmission also can attract more customers. Friendly manner, professional proposal and efficient service are the key that attracts a customer.

4.** of ** holiday sales promotion: Use the special opportunity such as holiday to have sales promotion activity, attract more clients to come round to buy, increase sale.

5.** shop decorates ** : The adornment of shop can leave good impression to the client, increase desire to buy to look. Can undertake decorating according to the style of shop and product characteristic, innovation goes distinctive atmosphere.

Consider above factor integratedly, can help small shop better flourishing money.
