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  • 大闸蟹,学名为中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis),在英语中通常被称为“Chinese Mitten Crab”或“Hairy Crab”。这种蟹类以其独特的外观和丰富的营养价值而闻名,尤其在中国美食文化中占有重要地位。


    Chinese Mitten Crab: 中华绒螯蟹

    Hairy Crab: 大闸蟹

    Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab: 阳澄湖大闸蟹

    Crab roe: 蟹黄

    Crab paste: 蟹膏

    Crab claws: 蟹钳

    Steamed crab: 清蒸螃蟹

    Crab eight pieces: 蟹八件(吃蟹专用工具)

    Autumn season: 秋季

    Invasive species: 入侵物种

    Ecological concern: 生态关注

    Culinary delight: 美食享受

    Cultural significance: 文化意义


    The Chinese Mitten Crab, a delicacy cherished in Chinese cuisine, is a testament to the country's rich culinary heritage. These crabs, with their distinctive hairy claws and mitten-like appearance, are a sight to behold and a taste to savor. The Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab, in particular, is celebrated for its exquisite flavor and is a highlight of the autumn dining season.

    Eating crabs is more than just a meal; it's a cultural experience that involves family and friends gathering to enjoy the fruits of the season. The art of crab preparation is meticulous, with each crab being steamed to perfection, preserving its natural flavors. The act of eating is equally as important, with the use of traditional "crab eight pieces" tools to extract every morsel of meat and roe, ensuring not a single drop of the crab's essence is wasted.

    However, the Chinese Mitten Crab's journey from river to plate is not without its challenges. As an invasive species in some regions, they have caused ecological disruptions, prompting efforts to manage their populations and protect native habitats. This dual role of the crab as both a culinary treasure and an ecological concern underscores the delicate balance between human enjoyment and environmental stewardship.

    In essence, the Chinese Mitten Crab is a symbol of China's gastronomic prowess and a reminder of the importance of sustainable practices in our pursuit of culinary delights. As we savor these crustaceans, let us also remember to respect and protect the ecosystems that nurture them.




