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1. **虎形象物品**:摆放虎形象的雕塑、画像或玩偶可以增加店铺的生气和活力,吸引顾客驻足。

2. **金色和黄色装饰**:金色象征着财富和繁荣,黄色则象征着幸福和吉祥。可以使用金色和黄色的装饰物品来装点店铺,增添喜庆氛围。

3. **福字和吉祥物**:挂上带有“福”字的挂件或贴纸,或者摆放一些吉祥物,如小老虎玩偶等,以带来好运和吉祥。

4. **竹子和植物**:竹子在中国文化中象征着成长和繁荣,摆放一些竹子或者绿色植物可以给店铺增添生机和活力。

5. **鲤鱼风水画**:在风水学中,鲤鱼代表着吉祥和财富,可以在店铺摆放一些鲤鱼风水画来招财进宝。

6. **红色装饰**:红色是中国传统的吉祥色,摆放红色的装饰物品可以增加店铺的喜庆氛围,吸引更多的顾客。



In Chinese culture, tiger year be considered as a lively, red-blooded year normally, the goods related people apt choice and tiger will receive this one year. It is below a few in the tiger year it is OK to put the article of flourishing money:

1.** of article of ** tiger figure: The sculpture that puts tiger figure, picture or doll can increase the life of shop and vigor, attract a client to stop.

2.** is aureate decorate ** with yellow: Aureate and indicative fortune and prosperity, yellow is indicative happy He Jixiang. Can use aureate with maize adornment goods comes dress shop, add festive atmosphere.

3.** blessing word and mascot ** : Hang contain " blessing " of the word hang or paster, perhaps put a few mascot, wait like small tiger doll, in order to bring lucky He Jixiang.

4.** bamboo and plant ** : Bamboo is in China to symbolic move grows in culture and flourish, put a few bamboo or greenery can add opportunity of survival and vigor to shop.

5.** carp is geomantic picture ** : Be in geomantic in learning, the carp is representing auspicious auspicious fortune, a few carps can be put in shop geomantic picture will enrol money to enter treasure.

6.** red decorates ** : Red is the lucky color of Chinese tradition, the adornment goods that puts red can add the festive atmosphere of shop, attract more customers.

As a whole, choice and tiger year the goods related to fortune will decorate shop, can add the lucky flavor of shop, attract more customers, bring more money thereby.
