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养成健康的生活习惯和积极的心态 更好的面对挑战


养成健康的生活习惯和积极的心态 更好的面对挑战


初中英语作文:夏日健康之我见 My View on Health in Summer

Health is important for everybody. People need to pay attention to it. In summer, people need to pay special attention on it. Otherwise, they will get ill easily. In such high temperature, if people don't pay attention to their health, they may get sunstroke. But if they often eat the food that can decrease internal heat, they will have less chance to get sunstroke. In addition, in summer, people always have hot temper because of the hot temperature. And it is easy to feel tired. So, they need to have enough rest to adjust themselves. In a word, people need to pay special attention in summer to live a healthy life.    



初中英语作文:饮食健康 Healthy Diet

Nowadays,there is a growing focus on health care. People are pursuing a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet is one of the most important parts of it. As the saying goes, bread is the staff of life, eating healthily and deliciously is the goal we pursue. From my point of view, in order to build healthy eating habits, we should eat more vegetables and less fat and sugar. Vegetable is the best source of s vitamin, because vegetables are rich in vitamins. Among them,vitamin C and vitamin A are the most important. Too much fat and sugar can lead to obesity, which is harmful to health. Besides, eating more fruits and drinking more water is of great help.



We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health. Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness.

However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life.

In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise.




初中英语作文:关于怎样保持身体健康(about how to keep healthy)


建议:1 多参加体育锻炼 2 多到户外活动,呼吸新鲜空气

3 多吃蔬菜,水果 4多喝水和牛奶 5 保持充足的睡眠

6 保持乐观的心情


关于怎样保持身体健康(about how to keep healthy)

Dear Ann

I heard that you often get ill. I have just found some information on the internet about how to keep healthy. Hope this is helpful for you.

Firstly, you sould do more sports exercises. You should play basketball or volleyball more often with your friends.

Secondly, you should take part in more outdoor activities and breathe in fresh air more frequently.

Thirdly, you should eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water and milk, and get enough sleep(at least10 hours a day).

Lastly and most importantly, you need to always keep an optimistic point of view towards life.

I'm if you can do all this well, you will be much more healthier and happier!

Yours faithfully


初中英语作文:好的习惯使人健康(Good Habits Keep Us Fit)

好的习惯使人健康(Good Habits Keep Us Fit)

We should do sports every morning or every evening and often open windows to keep the air fresh. Wash our hands often,especially before meals and have healthy food and drink enough water every day. We shouldn't spit everywhere. If everyone has a good habit, we would keep fit.


Do you want to be healthy? Do morningexercises for half an hour or forty minutes every day. Wash your hands before each meal and open windows very often even though in winter. Fresh air is good for you. Don't spit everywhere.

I have another idea. Don't overwork. Too much work will be bad for you.



初中英语作文:我的健康习惯(My health habit)

我的健康习惯(My health habit)

What do you eat every day?A few people think about it.And less people will makeplans for their meals. Many people,especially who work in office every day,liketo go to have fast food ortakeaway food near their workplace.Thefood they eat every day is full of oil and fat,it makes them fat.Most seriously,the cycling of their blood will slow down.It makes them ill when they are old.

What should a healthy person eat every day? well,I will introduce my "Healthy eating habit" Itcomes from doctors,and it is believable. While people do alot of work,the energy intheir body are burning,too.So you need noodles,rice,milk,bread and eggs.Ifyou don'teat them,you will faint.Fruit and vegetables arenecessary,too.They are a lot of vitamins.It makes you not sick easiy Vegetables help the other food easier to be digested.Andthey can give you water.

初中英语作文:酗酒与健康(Excessive Drinking and Health)

酗酒与健康(Excessive Drinking and Health)

Everybody knows drinking a little is good to health, but excessive drinking is bad. Those who drink too much may not live long. Excessive drinking may cause many diseases, such as high blood pressure and heart attack. Drinking too much can also result in a series of family problems and social problems, such as the break up of a family and social CRImes. If everyone can keep control over drinking, we can enjoy a more peaceful social environment.


