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初中英语作文 人物·A Famous Scientist 一位著名的科学家

A Famous Scientist 一位著名的科学家

Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born in a teacher's family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. When she was still a child, she was fond of study very much and had a dream of becoming a scientist. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University, where she suffered from great hardship but still worked very hard. She devoted all her life to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She won the Noble Prize twice.

Today, as a famous female, Madam Curie is still remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forever for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.


be fond of 喜欢……

have a dream of… 有……梦想

at the age of… 在……年纪的时候

suffer from… 受苦于……,忍受

devote… to… 贡献于……

be remembered by… 被……记住

the spirit of… ……精神

初中英语作文 人物·A Good Friend of Mine 我的一个好朋友

A Good Friend of Mine 我的一个好朋友

I have a good friend. His name is Wang Dong. He is a very clever boy. He can do everything very well. He likes reading and writing. His lessons are very great, especially English and math. He often loves to help others . He often gives me some useful advice . I can learn much from him. His hobbies are music and football. He likes giving us talks about many subjects, such as music, sports, food, films and so on. He is respected by the students in our class.


help others 帮助别人

give sb. some useful advice 给某人一些有用的建议

learn… from 向某人学习

give sb. a talk 给某人演讲

be respected by sb. 受到某人的尊敬

初中英语作文 人物·A Naughty Boy 淘气包

A Naughty Boy 淘气包

Zhang Liang is a naughty but lovely boy. Yesterday evening he went to play with his friends and made his hands very dirty . He didn't wash his hands before he went home. When he got home, his mother found what had happened to his hands. She asked him to wash them. After a while , Zhang Liang showed his mother his clean hands. His mother was glad about that. However, a moment later his mother got very angry because he washed his hands not with water, but with the towel .


play with sb. 和某人一起玩耍

make sth. dirty 把……弄脏

after a while 过了一会儿

a moment later 一会儿以后

not… but… 不是……而是

初中英语作文:人物性格分析 The Analysis of Personal Character

Different people have different characters. If we want to get along well with others, we had better learn their characters, so that we won't step on landmines. For example, when we meet a person who is patient, we can show our opinions slowly. But when we meet a hot temper person, we had better express our opinions as soon as possible and get away from him when he loses his temper. If we meet a person who is more bark than bite, we take the measure of sticking. In a word, different people will accept different ways for communication. Analyzing personal characters help people get a good harvest in interpersonal communication.


初中英语作文 人物·Good Students 好学生

Good Students 好学生

Yesterday a group of students from No.5 Middle School were on their way home. Suddenly they saw a thief steal the purse from a woman and run away . They caught up quickly. One of the boys called the police. Before long , the policemen came. They caught the thief with the students, and sent him to the police . The policemen gave the purse back to the woman and told her all about the thing. The woman was very grateful. But the students didn't wait her thanks and went away.


a group of students 一群学生

seesb. do sth. 看到某人做某事(的全过程)

run away 跑掉

catch up 追赶

call the police 报警

before long 不久以后

send sb. to the police 送某人去警察局

初中英语作文 人物·Linda's Busy Day 琳达繁忙的一天

Linda's Busy Day 琳达繁忙的一天

Let me tell you about Linda's busy day. Last Sunday she woke up at 8:00 and went running at 8:30. She got back home at 9 o'clock and had a big breakfast . After eating, she helped her father in the garden. They had a good time together and the hard work made them hungry. So at noon she ate much for lunch. Then her mother and she went shopping from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m . The rest of the afternoon she went swimming with her friends. Swimming made her very tired, so at 7 o'clock she went back home to have supper. She did a little work on the Internet before she went to bed at 10:00. Wow! Isn't her day busy?


wake up 醒来

go running 跑步

get back home 回到家

have a big breakfast 吃了一顿丰盛的早餐

from… to… 从……到……

on the Internet 在网上

初中英语作文 人物·My English Teacher 我的英语老师

My English Teacher 我的英语老师

Miss Yang is my English teacher. I love her very much. Her name is Yang Hua. I think she is the best, kindest and most beautiful teacher in the world. In class, Miss Yang is strict with us . She has so many ways to make our class lively and interesting. When any of us has trouble in our study, she always helps us. After class, she often spends her spare time with us. Miss Yang works hard. She is strict in her work . So she is loved and respected by all of us.


be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

have trouble in… 在……有麻烦

do one's best 尽力

one's spare time 某人的业余时间

be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格

初中英语作文 人物·My Father 我的爸爸

My Father 我的爸爸

I have a good father. His name is Zhou Zongmin. He takes care of me very well. He loves us a lot and we love him very much, too. My father is a good teacher. He is very busy all the year around . He works very hard . He is very kind and helpful to his students. So they respect him very much. My father likes music very much.

What do you want to be when you grow up , my young man? He asked me one day. I answered happily, "I want to be a good teacher."

You are my good son. He smiles proudly.

To make my dream come true , I'll study harder than before.


take care of… 照顾……

all the year around 一年到头

work hard 努力工作

grow up 长大

want to be… 想成为……

come true 实现
