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谷雨 Grain Rain —— 春天的最后一个节气


谷雨 Grain Rain —— 春天的最后一个节气



  • Grain Rain - 谷雨

  • Traditional Chinese solar term - 中国传统节气

  • Agriculture - 农业

  • Planting - 种植

  • Rainfall - 降雨量

  • Spring season - 春季

  • Farming activities - 农事活动

  • Germination - 发芽

  • Nature's awakening - 大自然的苏醒

  • Transition from spring to summer - 从春季到夏季的过渡


  • Grain Rain marks the period when farmers begin to plant crops in anticipation of a bountiful harvest.(谷雨标志着农民开始播种作物,期待丰收。)

  • With the arrival of Grain Rain, the temperature rises and rainfall increases, providing optimal conditions for crop growth.(随着谷雨的到来,气温升高,降雨增多,为作物生长提供了最佳条件。)

  • During Grain Rain, the countryside is bustling with farming activities as farmers prepare their fields for planting.(谷雨时节,农村繁忙着农事活动,农民们在准备田地播种。)

  • The transition from spring to summer is evident during Grain Rain, as nature bursts forth with new life and vibrant colors.(谷雨时节,春季向夏季的过渡显而易见,大自然迸发出新的生机,色彩斑斓。)

  • 谷雨时节,田野里一片绿油油,农民们在田间忙碌着,为丰收努力着。(During Grain Rain, the fields are lush green, and farmers are busy working in the fields, striving for a bountiful harvest.)


The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (Chinese: 谷雨),is the last term in spring.


There is an old saying in China, "Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains, “It means rain is very important for the growth of crops.


那么,关于rain 的以下几个用法,你了解吗?我们一起来学习一下吧!

a welcome rain 、a timely rain

a welcome rain 、a timely rain 意为及时雨,甘霖。

  • Timely means happening at the best possible moment. Timely 意为及时的。

  • The welcome rain after a long time of drought will certainly bring on the crops.

  • 久旱之后的这场及时雨肯定会有助于农作物的生长。

  • Thanks to the timely rain, the farmers had a good harvest.

  • 多亏了及时雨,农民们有了好收成。

It never rains but pours.

It never rains but pours.意为祸不单行。Pour means raining heavily. Pour 意为倾倒,可翻译为倾盆大雨。It never rains but pours. 字面可翻译为,几乎不下雨,一下雨就是倾盆大雨,引申为“祸不单行”和中文里的那句“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”异曲同工!”。

在英语中,我们可以说 It's pouring out there. 意思是,现在外面正下着倾盆大雨。

  • His parents got ill and went to hospital almost at the same time. It never rains but it pours.

  • 他的父母几乎同时生病住院了,真是祸不单行。

  • I missed the bus this morning, lost my wallet and arrived late for work. What a bummer!It never rains but it pours.

  • 我今天早上误了公交车,后来又丢了钱包,并且上班迟到了。真糟糕,祸不单行啊!

Rain cats and dogs

Rain cats and dogs means to rain very heavily. 指倾盆大雨。大家可千万不能翻译为“天上下猫狗啊”!

  • Look,it begins to rain cats and dogs outside!Don’t forget to bring your umbrella!

  • 看,外面下起了倾盆大雨!可别忘记带雨伞啊!

下一篇:翻译辨析:get off 有许多意思