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1. 首先,确定一个合适的地方放置牌位,通常是在供奉神灵或祖先的神龛或供桌上。
2. 如果有多张牌位,一般会按照先辈的辈分来叠放,如先放祖父母的,再放父母的,然后是自己或其他家庭成员的。
3. 牌位的叠放顺序通常是按照先辈的年长顺序,年长者的牌位放在上面,年幼者的放在下面。
4. 另外,牌位的摆放也可能因地域、家族传统或个人信仰而有所不同,可以根据自己的情况进行适当调整。



It is OK to fold the way that puts consecrate memorial tablet will decide according to the individual's habit and belief, but can undertake according to the following means normally:

1.Above all, decide a proper place places memorial tablet, it is to be on the shrine of consecrate deities or ancestor or altar normally.
2.If have many pieces of memorial tablet, general meeting is folded according to the position in the family hierarchy of ancestors put, be like what put grandparent first, put father and mother again, be oneself or other family member next.
3.Of memorial tablet fold putting order is the old order according to ancestors normally, the memorial tablet superpose of elder, year young person put below.
4.Additional, of memorial tablet put likely also because of district, familial tradition or individual belief differ somewhat, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to oneself circumstance.

Hope these information can be helped somewhat to you!
