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  • 季节是自然界周期性变化的重要标志,了解季节的常用英语词汇以及相关美文和作文,能够帮助我们更好地描述和欣赏四季的美丽。与季节相关的常用英语词汇、作文如下:


    • 春天(Spring)
    • 夏天(Summer)
    • 秋天(Autumn/Fall)
    • 冬天(Winter)
    • 暖和的(Warm)
    • 炎热的(Hot)
    • 凉爽的(Cool)
    • 寒冷的(Cold)
    • 花朵(Flowers)
    • 树叶(Leaves)
    • 雪(Snow)
    • 雨(Rain)
    • 日出(Sunrise)
    • 日落(Sunset)
    • 温度(Temperature)
    • 欢迎春天(Welcome spring)
    • 迎接夏天(Embrace summer)
    • 赏秋景(Enjoy autumn scenery)
    • 迎接冬季(Welcome winter)
    • 天气预报(Weather forecast)
    • 气温升高(Temperature rises)
    • 气候变暖(Climate gets warmer)
    • 穿厚衣服(Wear thick clothes)
    • 雪花飘落(Snowflakes falling)
    • 阳光明媚(Sunny and bright)

    Spring is one of the four seasons. It comes after winter and before summer. In spring, the weather becomes warmer, and flowers start to bloom. The trees turn green again, and animals come out from their winter sleep. People enjoy outdoor activities such as picnics and hiking. Spring is a season of new beginnings and hope.


    Summer is the hottest season of the year. It follows spring and comes before autumn. In summer, the sun shines brightly, and the days are longer. People often go swimming, have barbecues, and go on vacations. Children have a break from school, and families spend more time together. Summer is a time for relaxation and fun.


    Autumn, also known as fall, is a season of transition. It comes after summer and before winter. In autumn, the leaves on the trees change their colors to beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow. The weather becomes cooler, and harvest festivals are celebrated. People enjoy apple picking and drinking warm cider. Autumn is a season of change and gratitude.


    Winter is the coldest season of the year. It follows autumn and comes before spring. In winter, the temperature drops, and it often snows. People bundle up in warm clothes, and children play in the snow, building snowmen and having snowball fights. Winter holidays such as Christmas and New Year are celebrated. Winter is a season of coziness and celebrations.

