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每日翻译: 今天电视在中国已经非常普遍了,除了一些偏僻的地方,不论在城市或乡村,几乎每家都有一台电视机供其使用。


每日翻译: 今天电视在中国已经非常普遍了,除了一些偏僻的地方,不论在城市或乡村,几乎每家都有一台电视机供其使用。

  • 每日翻译:


    • Television has become extremely widespread in China today, with the exception of some remote areas, where almost every household, whether in urban or rural settings, owns a TV for their use.

    • In China, televisions are now a common sight, prevalent in both cities and rural areas, with the exception of a few isolated places, where nearly every family has access to a TV.

    • The prevalence of television in China is such that, barring a few remote locations, it's almost universal across the country, with television sets gracing the homes of urban and rural dwellers alike.

    • Today, television is a fixture in China, with the only exception being some remote areas; in both urban and rural communities, almost every home is equipped with a TV for their enjoyment.

    • In China, the ubiquity of television is such that, aside from a few secluded areas, it's nearly impossible to find a household, whether in the city or the countryside, that doesn't have a TV for their use.


    Today, television is very popular in china. With the exception of some remote places, practically every family, whether in the urban or in the rural areas, has a tv set for it self.

    • today:今天
    • television:电视
    • popular:受欢迎的,流行的
    • China:中国
    • exception:例外
    • remote:偏远的
    • practically:几乎,实际上
    • family:家庭
    • urban:城市的
    • rural:农村的
    • TV set:电视机
    • "today" 在句子开头表示时间。
    • "television is very popular in China" 中使用了现在时态和形容词 "popular" 来描述电视在中国的普及程度。
    • "with the exception of some remote places" 表示例外情况,引出了一个例外条件。
    • "practically every family" 使用了 "practically" 来加强语气,表示几乎每个家庭。
    • "whether in the urban or in the rural areas" 使用了 whether...or... 的结构来表达两种选择,并用了介词短语 "in the urban" 和 "in the rural areas" 来修饰名词。
    • "has a TV set for itself" 使用了 "has" 表示有,以及代词 "itself" 来指代前面的 "every family"。
    上一篇:《平安夜》这首歌的起源 平安夜的来历和意义