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名篇背诵:Passionate Proposing 激情求爱


名篇背诵:Passionate Proposing 激情求爱

Passionate Proposing 激情求爱

西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)

She dropped her head down as though doubting, and fearing familiarities ; he slipped to one knee to see her eyes. Then, looking up, he caught her about the waist. “Will you?” he asked.

She looked at his soft hair, dark and thick, his smooth pale brow, his black eyes and even chin. She wanted to yield dramatically and this was dramatic enough. She put her hands to his head, bent over and looked into his eyes; her hair fell forward about her face. “Will you be good to me?” she asked, yearning into his eyes.

“Yes, yes,”he declared. “You know that. Oh, I love you so.”

She put his head far back and laid her lips to his. There was fire, agony in it. She held him so and then he stood up heaping kisses upon her cheeks, her lips, her eyes, her neck.

“Good God!” he exclaimed, “How wonderful you are!”

The expression shocked her.

“You mustn't,” she said.

“I can't help it. You are so beautiful!”

She forgave him for the compliment .

There were burning moments after this, moments in which they clung to each other desperately, moments in which he took her in his arms, moments in which he whispered his dreams of the future. He took the ring he had bought and put it on her finger. He was going to be a great artist, she was going to be an artist's bride; he was going to paint her lovely face, her hair, her form. If he wanted love scenes he would paint these which they were now living together. They talked until one in the morning and then she begged him to go, but he would not. At two he left, only to come early the next morning to take her to church.

- familiarity [fəmɪlɪˈærətɪ] n. 亲近,随便

- dramatically [drəˈmætɪklɪ] ad. 戏剧性地,鲜明地

- compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt] n. 溢美之词











西奥多·德莱塞(1871—1945),美国小说家,生于印第安纳州。家庭贫困,靠一位中学教师资助,只读过一年大学,少年时代起就打零工、干粗活。当过《每周》杂志编辑。第一部小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie ,1900),因为撕破资产阶级道德的面皮,一度遭封禁,后来出版了《珍妮姑娘》(Jennie Gerhardt ,1911),《欲望三部曲》(Trilogy of Desire ,1912,1914,1947),《美国悲剧》(An American Tragedy ,1925)。作品还有剧本、诗歌、散文集、自传性作品和短篇小说集。在语言、技巧方面常遭受攻击,但惊人的观察力和丰富的想象力使他能成功地写出波澜壮阔的历史画面。

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