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Inquire: 询问

Investigate: 调查

Questioning: 质询

Interrogation: 审讯

Query: 查询

Probe: 探究

Survey: 调查

Interview: 面试、采访

Examination: 考察

Inquiry: 调查、询问


作文一:The Importance of Inquiry in Gathering Information 信息收集中询问情况的重要性

In any endeavor where information is crucial, whether in academia, business, or daily interactions, the art of inquiry plays a pivotal role. Through effective questioning, individuals can gather essential details, clarify uncertainties, and make informed decisions.


Whether it's conducting interviews, surveys, or simply asking pertinent questions, the process of inquiry enables us to delve deeper into subjects, uncover hidden insights, and ultimately, expand our understanding.


In conclusion, inquiry serves as a fundamental tool in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. By fostering a culture of curiosity and open-mindedness, we can harness the power of inquiry to navigate the complexities of our world effectively.


作文二: The Role of Inquiry in Problem-Solving 问题解决中询问情况的作用

In the process of problem-solving, inquiry serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards effective solutions. By asking the right questions, individuals can identify the root causes of issues, brainstorm innovative ideas, and implement strategic plans.


Moreover, inquiry fosters collaboration and teamwork, as individuals come together to exchange ideas, share perspectives, and work towards common goals. Through open dialogue and constructive questioning, teams can leverage diverse expertise and experiences to tackle even the most complex challenges.


In conclusion, inquiry is not merely a means to an end but rather a fundamental aspect of problem-solving. By embracing curiosity and a willingness to explore, individuals and teams can overcome obstacles, innovate solutions, and achieve success.



❶ 这附近有购物中心吗?Is there a shopping center around here?

这样回答 The Wal-Mart is right near here. 沃尔玛就在这附近。

I'm going there, too. Let's go together. 我也去那。我们一起去吧。

❷ 我在去商店的路上。I'm on my way to the shop.

对话 A: Where are you? 你在哪呢?

B: I'm on my way to the shop. 我在去商店的路上。

❸ 这家店星期天开门吗?Is this store open on Sundays?

这样回答 Yeah, the store opens at weekends. 是的,这家店周末营业。

❹ 你可以去711,一家24小时营业的商店。You could go to 7-Eleven, a 24-hour store.

对话 A: Is there a store still opening at this time? 这个时候还有商店在营业吗?

B: You could go to 7-Eleven, a 24-hour store. 你可以去711,一家24小时营业的商店。

❺ 请问这家店的营业时间是什么?What are their business hours?

同类表达 When does the store open/close?

这样回答 The store's business hours are from ten a.m. until eight p.m.. 这家商店的营业时间是从上午十点到晚上八点。

❻ 能指给我童装区的方向吗?Can you point me the direction of the children's wear?

这样回答 Turn left and go straight on, you won't miss it. 左转,然后直走,你就会看到的。

I'm lost, too; please go to the counter for details. 我也找不到,去咨询台问清楚吧。

❼ 你们几层是卖鞋的?On which floor do you sell shoes?

这样回答 It's on the 5th floor. 在第五层。

I don't know, either. 我也不知道。

❽ 在走廊的尽头就能看见。You can find it at the end of the corridor.

同类表达 It's at the end of the corridor. 在走廊的尽头。

Go straight ahead about ten meters. 向前直走大约十米。

It'll take you no more than three minutes to walk there. 你花不到三分钟就可以走到那里。

❾ 你们有羊绒毛衣卖吗?Do you carry cashmere sweaters here?

对话 A: Do you carry cashmere sweaters here? 你们有羊绒毛衣卖吗?

B: Yes, we have many kinds. 有,我们有很多种。

❿ 你可以到问询处去问问。You can make inquiries at the information desk.

上一篇:名篇背诵:Advice to Youth 忠告年轻人
下一篇:名篇背诵:Of Avarice (Ⅱ) 论贪婪(二)