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确认机票:Confirm flight/ticket

机票信息:Flight details/ticket information

旅行计划:Travel plan



顺利进行:Proceed smoothly

英语作文:The Importance of Confirming Your Flight

In the modern era of travel, where time is of the essence and every minute counts, confirming your flight is a crucial step that cannot be overlooked. It is not just a formality but a necessary precaution to ensure that your journey proceeds without any hitches.

When you book a flight, you are essentially making a commitment to a specific date and time to embark on your journey. However, things can change, and it is always wise to verify that your flight details remain unchanged. This is where confirming your flight comes into play. By confirming, you are not only verifying the flight's schedule but also ensuring that there are no unforeseen changes that could disrupt your travel plans.

The process of confirming a flight is straightforward. It usually involves checking the airline's website or contacting their customer service to ensure that the flight is still scheduled as planned. This can provide peace of mind and allow you to make any necessary adjustments to your itinerary if needed.

Moreover, confirming your flight also gives you the opportunity to review your personal travel details, such as your name, passport information, and seat preferences. This is particularly important as errors in personal details can lead to complications at the airport.

In conclusion, confirming your flight is a simple yet vital step in the travel preparation process. It is not just about ticking off a task from your to-do list but about ensuring that your journey can proceed smoothly and without any unnecessary stress. So, before you pack your bags and head to the airport, make sure to confirm your flight details and enjoy a hassle-free travel experience.







❶ 您必须提前48小时再次确认机位。You must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead.

对话 A: Do I have to reconfirm? 我需要再确认机位吗?

B: You must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead. 您必须提前48小时再次确认机位。

❷ 请告诉我您的电子票号和身份证号。Your e-ticket number and ID card number, please.

对话 A: I need to confirm my ticket. 我需要确认一下我的机票。

B: Your e-ticket number and ID card number, please. 请告诉我您的电子票号和身份证号。

❸ 您明天飞往纽约的111号班机的机票已确认无误。You are booked and confirmed on Flight 111 to New York tomorrow.

❹ 您的机票已确认。Your tickets have been confirmed.

同类表达 Your reservation has been confirmed. 您的预订已确认。

❺ 这些机票不可退。There is no refund on these tickets.

同类表达 These tickets are non-refundable.

❻ 如果我想取消预订怎么办?What if I need to cancel the reservation?

同类表达 What do I need to do to cancel the reservation?

这样回答 You need to call 24 hours in advance. 那你需要提前24小时打电话。

❼ 我可以更改航班吗?Can I change my flight schedule?

同类表达 I want to change my flight reservation. 我想更改预订的机票。

❽ 我应该提前几个小时退票?How long in advance do I need to cancel the ticket?

同类表达 If I want to cancel the ticket, how many hours in advance do I need to do it?

❾ 我想取消原来的机票预订,换乘TG805航班。I want to cancel my flight reservation, and change to Flight TG805.

同类表达 I have to change my plan so I would like to apply for a refund of my ticket. 由于我计划有变,所以我要退票。

❿ 退票的话,您必须支付100元的手续费。You have to pay 100 yuan for refund.

同类表达 It is 10% of the original price. 需要收取原价的10%。

Do you charge if I cancel my flight? 如果取消航班的话收费吗?

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