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compare notes 不是比较笔记


compare notes 不是比较笔记

【例句】He was comparing notes with a friend. 【误解】他正与一个朋友比较笔记。 【正确】他正与一个朋友交换意见。 【说明】compare notes是英语固定短语,意思是“交换意见”、“共同探讨”,通常不作“比较笔记”或“核实笔记”解。例如: I have been comparing notes with Alice on our trips to India. Alice and I have been comparing notes on our trips to India. 这两句都意为:“我与艾丽丝在交流我们印度之行的观感。” Mother and Mrs. Barker like to compare notes about cooking. 母亲和巴科太太喜欢就烹饪交换意见。 I think there are a few things we might compare notes on. 我认为有几件事情我们可以交换一下意见。

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