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英汉双语散文:Nature 自然


英汉双语散文:Nature 自然

  • 大自然有一种让我们的生活回归正轨的方式。它提醒我们,在我们的宏伟蓝图中,我们的问题和担忧是微不足道的。它教会我们欣赏简单的事物,在日落的美丽或鸟儿的歌声中寻找快乐。它鼓励我们照顾周围的世界,保护和维护我们幸运拥有的自然之美。

    英语散文:Nature 自然

    In the heart of a bustling city, nature often seems like a distant dream, an abstract concept only found in books or seen through the small screen of a smartphone. But even here, amidst the concrete and the noise, nature finds a way to assert itself. A patch of grass pushing through the cracks in the pavement, a sparrow perched on a power line, the gentle rustling of leaves in an isolated park – these are all reminders of the persistent presence of nature in our lives.


    Nature is not something separate from us, but an integral part of who we are. It’s in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. It’s in the changing of the seasons, the ebb and flow of the tides, and the cycle of life and death that surrounds us. Nature is not just a backdrop to our lives; it is the very stage upon which we act out our existence.


    In our modern world, it’s easy to forget this fundamental connection. We spend so much time indoors, connected to screens and devices, that we can lose touch with the natural world. But when we do venture outside, when we take the time to truly see and appreciate the beauty of the natural world, we are reminded of our place in it. We are reminded that we are part of something much larger than ourselves, that we are connected to every other living thing on this planet.


    Nature has a way of putting our lives into perspective. It reminds us that our problems and worries are small in the grand scheme of things. It teaches us to appreciate the simple things, to find joy in the beauty of a sunset or the song of a bird. And it encourages us to take care of the world around us, to protect and preserve the natural beauty that we are so fortunate to have.


    In the end, nature is not just something to be observed or admired from afar. It is an essential part of who we are, a reminder of our place in the world, and a source of comfort and inspiration. No matter where we are or what we are doing, nature is always with us, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that surround us every day.



    1. bustling (adj.) - Full of busy activity.

      • 用法: “The bustling city center is always crowded with people and vehicles.”
    2. abstract (adj.) - Not concrete; not easily perceived by the senses.

      • 用法: “The concept of time is abstract and difficult to visualize.”
    3. pavement (n.) - The hard surface of a road or path, usually made of concrete or asphalt.

      • 用法: “People walked on the pavement to avoid stepping on the muddy ground.”
    4. sparrow (n.) - A small brown and gray bird commonly found in cities and towns.

      • 用法: “A sparrow landed on the windowsill, looking for breadcrumbs.”
    5. rustling (n.) - A soft scraping or rubbing sound.

      • 用法: “The rustling of leaves in the wind created a soothing ambiance.”
    6. integral (adj.) - Essential or necessary for the completion of a whole.

      • 用法: “Water is integral to the survival of all living things.”
    7. ebb and flow (idiom) - The regular movement of the tides; also used figuratively to describe the natural rise and fall of situations or feelings.

      • 用法: “Life is full of ebb and flow; we must learn to adapt to changing circumstances.”
    8. backdrop (n.) - The setting or background against which events unfold.

      • 用法: “The mountains provided a stunning backdrop for the sunrise.”
    9. venture (v.) - To go somewhere or do something that might be dangerous or risky.

      • 用法: “She ventured into the forest to explore its hidden depths.”
    10. appreciate (v.) - To recognize the value of; to enjoy or be grateful for.

      • 用法: “We took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the night sky.”
    11. prespective (n.) - A particular way of viewing something; a point of view.

      • 用法: “Gaining a global perspective can help us understand different cultures.”
    12. scheme (n.) - A type of well-thought-out plan or arrangement.

      • 用法: “The government launched a new scheme to encourage renewable energy use.”
    13. preserve (v.) - To protect from harm or decay; to keep in a safe condition.

      • 用法: “It’s important to preserve our natural resources for future generations.”


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