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初中英语作文:My Neighbour 我的邻居


初中英语作文:My Neighbour 我的邻居

  • 作文一:My Neighbour (我的邻居)

    I have a kind neighbour who lives next door. His name is Mr. Smith. He is a retired teacher and has a gentle smile that always makes me feel comfortable. Mr. Smith is very helpful and often assists me with my homework. He has a vast knowledge of many subjects, and I learn a lot from him. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess with him. He is an excellent player and teaches me new strategies every time we play. Mr. Smith also has a beautiful garden that he tends to with great care. The flowers and plants are always in full bloom, and it's a joy to see. Sometimes, when my parents are busy, Mr. Smith even invites me over for dinner. His cooking is delicious, and it's a treat to have a home-cooked meal. I am grateful to have such a wonderful neighbour, and I consider him a friend and a mentor.

    我有一个善良的邻居,他住在隔壁。他的名字叫史密斯先生。他是一位退休教师,总是面带温和的微笑,这让我感到非常舒服。史密斯先生非常乐于助人,经常帮我做家庭作业。他对许多学科都有广泛的知识,我从他那里学到了很多。 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢和他下棋。他是一个出色的棋手,每次我们下棋他都会教我新的策略。史密斯先生还有一个他精心照料的美丽花园。花朵和植物总是盛开着,看到它们是一种乐趣。 有时,当我的父母很忙时,史密斯先生甚至会邀请我过去吃晚餐。他的烹饪非常美味,能吃到一顿家常饭菜是一种享受。我很感激有这样一个美好的邻居,我把他视为朋友和导师。

    作文二:My Neighbour (我的邻居)

    My neighbour is a lively elderly lady named Mrs. Johnson. She has a small dog named Fluffy, and they are always seen together in the neighbourhood. Mrs. Johnson is very friendly and always has a kind word for everyone she meets. She loves to bake and often shares her delicious homemade cookies with the neighbours. Her cookies are so good that they are the talk of the neighbourhood. Mrs. Johnson also takes care of the local park and ensures it is clean and well-maintained. On weekends, Mrs. Johnson and I often go for walks together. She tells me stories about her life and gives me advice on various topics. I admire her wisdom and enjoy our conversations. Mrs. Johnson is not just a neighbour; she is a friend and a role model to me.

    我的邻居是一位活泼的老太太,名叫约翰逊夫人。她有一只名叫弗拉菲的小狗狗,他们总是一起在邻里出现。约翰逊夫人非常友好,总是对遇到的每个人说些亲切的话。 她喜欢烘焙,经常和邻居们分享她美味的自制饼干。她的饼干做得非常好,以至于成了邻里间的话题。约翰逊夫人还照顾当地的公园,确保它干净整洁。 在周末,约翰逊夫人和我经常一起散步。她给我讲述她的生活故事,并在各种话题上给我建议。我钦佩她的智慧,享受我们的交谈。约翰逊夫人不仅仅是一个邻居;她是我的朋友和榜样。

    作文三:My Neighbour (我的邻居)

    Living next to me is a young couple, Tom and Lisa, who are my neighbours. They are both doctors and are always busy with their work. Despite their hectic schedules, they always find time to help others in the community. Tom and Lisa often volunteer at the local hospital and are known for their kindness and dedication. They have a small vegetable garden in their backyard where they grow fresh produce to share with the neighbours. The vegetables are organic and taste wonderful. In the evenings, they like to play music together. The sound of their guitars and laughter can be heard through the walls, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Tom and Lisa are not just good neighbours; they are also good friends to everyone in the community.

    住在我旁边的是一对年轻夫妇,汤姆和丽莎,他们是我的邻居。他们都是医生,总是忙于工作。尽管他们的日程安排很紧张,但他们总是找时间帮助社区中的其他人。 汤姆和丽莎经常在当地医院做志愿者,以他们的善良和奉献精神而闻名。他们在后院有一个小菜园,在那里种植新鲜的农产品与邻居们分享。这些蔬菜是有机的,味道非常好。 在晚上,他们喜欢一起弹奏音乐。他们的吉他声和笑声可以透过墙壁听到,营造了一个温馨友好的氛围。汤姆和丽莎不仅仅是好邻居;他们也是社区中每个人的好朋友。
