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  • 母亲节(Mother's Day)是一个庆祝母亲和母性角色的节日,它在不同的国家和地区有着不同的庆祝方式和日期。在许多国家,母亲节通常在每年的5月的第二个星期日庆祝。这个节日起源于美国,由安娜·贾维斯(Anna Jarvis)在1908年发起,以纪念她的母亲,并在1914年由伍德罗·威尔逊总统宣布为全国性的节日。



    1.Mother's Day - 母亲节 2.Celebrate - 庆祝 3.Motherhood - 母性 4.Tradition - 传统 5.Gift - 礼物 6.Card - 卡片 7.Flowers - 鲜花 8.Carnations - 康乃馨 9.Family gathering - 家庭聚会 10.Express love and gratitude - 表达爱和感激 11.National holiday - 全国性节日 12.Anna Jarvis - 安娜·贾维斯 13.President Woodrow Wilson - 伍德罗·威尔逊总统 14.Commemorate - 纪念 15.Mother's favorite - 母亲最喜欢的


      On Mother's Day, I am filled with gratitude for my mother's unconditional love and support. She has been my pillar of strength, guiding me through life's challenges. I express my thanks by preparing her favorite meal and spending quality time together. Her smile is the best gift I could receive.


      To my dear mother, on this special day, I wish you happiness and health. You have always been my role model, teaching me the value of kindness and hard work. I am grateful for your endless sacrifices. May this Mother's Day bring you joy and peace.


      Every Mother's Day, I reminisce about the countless times my mother has been there for me. Her hugs and words of encouragement have shaped me into who I am today. I cherish the memories we've created and look forward to making many more.


      On this Mother's Day, I want to thank my mother for her endless love and care. She has always been my biggest fan, cheering me on through every success and failure. I am grateful for her unwavering support and the lessons she has taught me.


      Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing woman I know. You have always been my source of comfort and inspiration. I hope this day brings you as much joy as you have brought into my life. Thank you for everything.



      1. "Happy Mother's Day! You're the best mom ever."    - 母亲节快乐!您是我最好的妈妈。   2. "To the world's greatest mom, thank you for everything."    - 给世界上最伟大的妈妈,感谢您的一切。   3. "Wishing you a day as special as you are, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!"    - 祝您有一个像您一样特别的日子,妈妈。母亲节快乐!   4. "You're the heart of our home. Happy Mother's Day!"    - 您是我们家的心脏。母亲节快乐!   5. "Thank you for being there, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!"    - 感谢您一直在那里,妈妈。母亲节快乐!   6. "You're the best! Happy Mother's Day."    - 您是最棒的!母亲节快乐!   7. "Sending you love and hugs on Mother's Day."    - 在母亲节给您送去爱和拥抱。   8. "May your Mother's Day be filled with joy and love."    - 愿您的母亲节充满快乐和爱。   9. "You're the light of my life. Happy Mother's Day!"    - 您是我生命中的光。母亲节快乐!   10. "A mother like you is a blessing. Happy Mother's Day!"     - 拥有您这样的妈妈是一种福气。母亲节快乐!
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