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初中英语作文3篇:A Sunset 日落


初中英语作文3篇:A Sunset 日落

  • 日落是一天中太阳下降到地平线以下的过程,标志着白天的结束和夜晚的开始。在日落时,太阳的光线经过大气层的散射和折射,产生出美丽的色彩和光影效果。通常,日落时天空呈现出温暖的橙、红、粉红和紫色调,给人一种宁静和浪漫的感觉。

    1. A Breathtaking Sunset (令人叹为观止的日落)

    As the sun descended below the horizon, the sky transformed into a captivating canvas of colors. The vibrant hues of pink, orange, and gold painted the heavens, creating a breathtaking sunset. The tranquil waves mirrored the celestial beauty, as if nature itself was in awe of this magnificent spectacle. It was a moment of pure serenity, a time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

    - descended (下降)

    - horizon (地平线)

    - captivating (迷人的)

    - canvas (画布)

    - vibrant (光彩夺目的)

    - hues (色彩)

    - tranquil (宁静的)

    - mirrored (映射)

    - celestial (天上的)

    - spectacle (奇观)

    - serenity (宁静)

    - appreciate (欣赏)


    2. The Golden Hour (黄金时刻)

    As the sun neared the horizon, casting its warm golden rays across the landscape, it marked the beginning of the golden hour. The whole world seemed to be bathed in a soft, warm glow. The trees and grass danced in the gentle breeze, creating a harmonious symphony of nature. It was a magical time, where worries and troubles faded away, and one could simply lose themselves in the beauty of the moment.

    - neared (接近)

    - casting (投射)

    - landscape (风景)

    - bathed (沐浴)

    - glow (光辉)

    - symphony (交响曲)

    - magical (神奇的)

    - worries (担忧)

    - troubles (困扰)

    - beauty (美丽)


    3. A Serene Farewell (宁静的告别)

    As the sun bid its farewell, slowly disappearing from view, the sky transformed into a tranquil masterpiece. Shades of purple and blue took over, creating a serene atmosphere. It was a moment of reflection and gratitude, as we witnessed the ending of another day. The world seemed to pause for a brief moment, acknowledging the beauty and wonder of nature's daily performance. And as darkness blanketed the land, we were left with memories of a stunning sunset, eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new day.

    - bid farewell (告别)

    - disappearing (消失)

    - shades (色调)

    - serene (宁静的)

    - atmosphere (氛围)

    - reflection (反思)

    - gratitude (感恩)

    - witnessed (见证)

    - ending (结束)

    - acknowledge (承认)

    - performance (表演)

    - darkness (黑暗)

    - memories (记忆)

    - eagerly (渴望)

    - awaiting (等待)

