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英汉双语散文:Purpose 目标


英汉双语散文:Purpose 目标

  • 在生活中,目标是我们前进的动力。它为我们的存在提供了方向和意义。没有目标,我们可能会感到迷失和无目的,漫无目的地在生活中徘徊。

    英汉双语散文:Purpose 目标

    In life, having a purpose is what drives us forward. It gives us direction and meaning to our existence. Without a purpose, we may feel lost and aimless, wandering through life without a clear destination.   在生活中,目标是我们前进的动力。它为我们的存在提供了方向和意义。没有目标,我们可能会感到迷失和无目的,漫无目的地在生活中徘徊。   One day, a young boy was walking along the beach, aimlessly picking up stones and tossing them back into the ocean. An old man noticed him and asked, "Do you have a purpose for what you're doing?"   有一天,一个小男孩在海滩上漫无目的地走着,捡起石头又把它们扔回大海。一个老人注意到了他,问道:“你这样做有什么目的吗?”   The boy looked puzzled and replied, "No, not really. I just find it interesting to see the stones skip across the water."   小男孩看起来有些困惑,回答说:“没有,我只是觉得看到石头在水面上跳跃很有趣。”   The old man smiled and said, "That's a purpose in itself. You're finding joy in the simple act of throwing stones. But remember, a greater purpose can give you more profound satisfaction."   老人微笑着说:“这本身就是一个目的。你在扔石头这个简单的行为中找到了乐趣。但记住,一个更伟大的目标可以给你带来更深刻的满足感。”   The boy thought about it and decided to set a goal for himself—to learn how to make the stones skip further across the water. Over time, he practiced and improved his technique. Eventually, he became quite skilled at it.   小男孩想了想,决定为自己设定一个目标——学习如何让石头在水面上跳得更远。随着时间的推移,他练习并提高了自己的技巧。最终,他在这方面变得相当熟练。   Through this simple act, the boy learned an important lesson about purpose. It's not just about having a goal, but also about finding joy and fulfillment in the journey towards that goal.   通过这个简单的行为,小男孩学到了一个关于目标的重要教训。这不仅仅是关于拥有一个目标,还在于在通往那个目标的过程中找到乐趣和成就感。  


    purpose 目标 drives 驱动 direction 方向 meaning 意义 lost 迷失 aimless 无目的 wandering 徘徊 destination 目的地 puzzled 困惑 interesting 有趣的 joy 乐趣 profound satisfaction 深刻的满足感 goal 目标 learn 学习 practice 练习 technique 技巧 skipped 跳跃 fulfillment 成就感 journey 旅程

