游戏行业的历史可以追溯到20世纪50年代,当时出现了第一款电子游戏Tennis for Two。随后,Atari公司推出了第一款商业化的街机游戏Pong,掀起了游戏热潮。80年代,任天堂推出了红白机,掀起了家用主机游戏的兴起。90年代,PC游戏和网络游戏开始流行,游戏行业进入了快速发展期。进入21世纪,移动互联网的兴起带动了手机游戏的爆发,游戏行业进入了新的发展阶段。
GameThe industry is red-blooded the domain with good luck, development is swift and violent in recent years, had made the indispensable main component in recreational industry. From original and simple market opportunity game, to much nowadays platform, polymorphous typeGameProduct, GameThe industry was experienced progress greatly and change. Article general fromGameThe respect such as analysis of the development course of the industry, current situation and prospective trend undertakes be discussinged in the round, the acknowledge that brings development for the reader and think.
GameThe history of the industry is OK restrospect to 20 centuries 50 time, appeared at that time the first electronGameTennis For Two. Subsequently, atari company rolled out the first commercialized market opportunityGamePong, liftedGameUpsurge. 80 time, ren Tiantang rolled out red white machine, started family expenses lead planeGamearisen. 90 time, PCGameWith the networkGameBegin popularity, GameThe industry entered fast hair exhibition period. Enter 21 centuries, of mobile Internet arisen drove a mobile phoneGameerupt, GameThe industry entered new development level.
Current, GameThe industry is in high speed to develop period, appear give the following characteristics:
Look into future, GameThe industry will present trend of the following great progress:
Anyhow, GameThe industry is in a crucial period that is full of good luck and challenge, prospective development perspective is wide. Believe to pass catenary of technical innovation, commercial pattern innovation, industry to optimize etc, GameThe industry is sure to be greeted more brilliant tomorrow. Thank you to read the article, hope this article can be brought for you rightGameThe comprehensive acknowledge of the industry and think.