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  • 佳能(Canon): 佳能数码相机一直以其稳定的表现和优质的成像质量闻名,适合想要拍摄专业照片的摄影师。
  • 尼康(Nikon): 尼康数码相机具有出色的对焦系统和坚固的机身设计,适合偏爱舒适操作的用户。
  • 索尼(Sony): 索尼数码相机在追求创新和技术突破上颇具实力,适合对科技感兴趣的用户。
  • 富士(Fujifilm): 富士数码相机在画质表现和色彩还原上有着独到之处,适合追求艺术感的用户。





The development course of digital camera

Since digital camera since coming out, as the ceaseless progress of science and technology, digital camera had replaced conventional film camera gradually, become people to record the life, film the main tool of the scenery. Digital camera is in picture element, right anxious speed, into ceaseless like the respect such as quality breakthrough, had made the first selection of photography lover and professional cameraman.

How to choose to suit your digital camera?

When choosing digital camera, need those who consider oneself to film above all demand. If you are photography lover, recommend a choice one has the digital sheet that resembles element, bigger sensitization higher be being spent component, more quickly to Jiao Su to turn over camera, pledge and film in order to satisfy to the picture the requirement of speed; If you are traveler or lover, one portable and deft, have rich film small only advanced perhaps and goofy watch for a chance may suit the number of mode more you.

Digital camera brand is recommended

  • Beautiful can (Canon) : Beautiful digital camera is behaved with what its stabilize all the time and can become high gradely famed like quality, suit to want to film the cameraman of professional photograph.
  • Ni Kang (Nikon) : Camera of Ni Kang number has pair of excellent anxious systems and solid airframe design, suit to favore the user of comfortable operation.
  • Suo Ni (Sony) : Camera of Suo Ni number innovates in pursuit and actual strength is had quite on technical breakthrough, suit the user that is interested in science and technology.
  • Fuji (Fujifilm) : Fuji number camera pledges behave and is original place on color rendition in the picture, suit to seek the user of artistic touch.

Digital camera price is comparative

The price of digital camera because of its brand, model, function and configuration different and somewhat difference. Generally speaking, the value that digital sheet returns camera will be relative taller, but watch for a chance of scorch extensive role and small only watch for a chance also have price of a few sexes to compare expensive product. In the choose and buy Shi Kegen seizes the digital watch for an opportunity with oneself budget and demand equal choose and buy.

Pass the introduction of above, believed you to have clearer knowledge to how choosing to suit his digital camera, also had certain knowledge to the characteristic of each brands. Hope this article is helped somewhat to you, thank you to read!

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