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The situation of weather station hill and natural scene

Weather station hillBe located in Zhejiang to visit stage city town, the East China Sea is faced east, wen Zhou is received south, beautiful water leans on the west, boreal adjoin celestial being ranks a county. Its situation is advantageous, hill of all sides annulus, hill situation is grand, natural scene is beautiful, it is famed scenery travel resort.

Historical culture and humanitarian landscape

Weather station hillIt is Buddhist resort, element has " the world of " of the first hill say, it is culture name hill from of old, be pregnant with rich historical culture and humanitarian landscape. Tourist can experience the edification of Buddhist culture here, seek archaic architectural glamour, realize rich historical intention.

Travel course and tourist attraction are recommended

Arrive from the foot of a hill the summit, Weather station hillHave a lot of absolutely beautiful tourist attractions, for example hut of avalokitesvara cliff, ancient temple, pay a debt of gratitude the temple, every tourist attraction has its distinctive charm, can let a tourist stay to forget to return repeatedly. Recommend a tourist to be able to choose to participate in mountain-climbing, pedestrian wait for means, appreciate the elegant demeanour of each different tourist attractions slowly.

Local cate and characteristic are fastfood

In amuse oneself while, sample local cate also is one great pleasure. Of placeWeather station camellia, bean curd of station of prune dish, weather is the distinguishing feature that cannot miss fastfood, satisfied the brigade of taste bud of the tip of the tongue.

Travel note and safety hint

AlthoughWeather station hillToo many beautiful things, but still need to notice safety in the journey. In mountain-climbing process, be sure to notice safety is on guard consciousness, reasonable arrangement journey, had done prevent bask in and prevent cold measure to wait, go on wheels in order to ensure viatic safety is mixed.

Thank you to read this article, a few reference and help are provided when the hope can be you travel toward weather station hill afore through this article.
