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The level sex that learn and lives is summed up

In the journey of life, we experienced a lot of different level, no matter be study or life, need to do summary of good phase sex, this conduces to we grow better and progress. Next will from the point of view that how makes summary of academic be used to and life phase sex, undertake sharing for everybody.

Establish clear time nodeIt is the first situation that undertakes level sex is summed up. Different life level can differentiate according to particular case, for instance high school graduation, college graduate, job wait two years. On these time node, we can learn to undertake one time summing up with the life to our, review the past, the program did not come.

Studying an aspect, can consider to summed up oneself to acquire what knowledge and skill in this phase, whether to achieve expectant study goal, having what study method and habit is effective, what does need improve. And in life respect, can review oneself growing experience, affection experience, human relation, ponder over oneself to be in of this phase grow and harvest.

Think over and sum upIt is the core that level sex sums up. After establishing clear time node, we need to undertake think over and be summinged up to oneself. This includes to have objective opinion to the experience in the past not only, the program that also includes pair of tomorrow and period make. Studying an aspect, we can ponder over the difficulty that we encounter in study and challenge, and how be solved and answer; In life respect, can ponder over oneself to opposite expects alive and plan, and how to come true better.

In addition, Explore outside opinion and proposalAlso be very important. The OK and homeward person, friend, teacher person beside is consulted, listen to their view to oneself and proposal, this conduces to us understanding this in the round more, discover oneself scotoma and insufficient part. Also can pass at the same time read relevant book and information, widen oneself eye shot, get more and beneficial proposal and opinion.

Anyhow, the level sex that makes academic be used to and living is summed up grow to ours and progress is crucial. The time node that makes clear through establishing, think over and summary and explore outside opinion and proposal, we can know ourselves better, program future, had taken the route of oneself life more purposefully.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you do academic be used to and summary of life phase sex better, the growing progress that is oneself adds a brick to add tile.
